11/11 Chat Log
<BRoper> Hello everyone, and welcome to the chat.
<Bridenbecker> Please start sending your questions in now.
<BRoper> We will start out today's by addressing the release and beta dates for Diablo II. Take it away D2Dev team...
<Diablo2DevTeam> I'm sure you are all aware of today's announcement. Let me begin by stating that we are as disappointed as anyone to have to delay the release of Diablo II. There are many reasons, but it boils down to the incredible size of the game. We're dealing not only with an unprecedented level of game content, but also with the construction and testing of one of the largest and most complex game-server networks ever, with locations around the world, We need more time than we had anticipated to insure that all the pieces of this gigantic puzzle come together with the quality that you expect and we demand of a Blizzard product..The delay is not the product of difficulties or problems encountered during development, but rather with the vast resources and time necessary to adequately test such a project. We want to thank you all for your patience, and assure you this extra time will be worth it, and result in a better game. -the D2 Development Team.
<Diablo2DevTeam> The Diablo2DevTeam is represented today by Max Schaefer, Matt Householder, and Mike Huang.
<Bridenbecker> In your announcement you talked about Battle.net being a global network, can you talk a little more about that?
<Diablo2DevTeam> The plans for the global expansion of Battle.net are huge in scope, including the launch of servers across Europe and Asia to better serve our international players. The technical aspects of this worldwide roll-out, combined with the it should be Client/Server model, we are using to combat cheating are something that requires an intense amount of work and testing. The end result, however, will be an massive increase in the functionality and features of Battle.net.
<Bridenbecker> What are the anticipated system requirements?
<Diablo2DevTeam> While we already have an acceptable install size, we are currently experimenting with ways to further reduce it as well as provide multiple install options. We still figure a P200 will run the game well. Also, figure 32 megs RAM as a good guess.
<Bridenbecker> Will there be downtime for Battle.net maintenance, like in Ultima Online?
<Diablo2DevTeam> We are working towards having no server maintence downtime, just as we have now with Battle.net. We feel that the continous 24/7 gameplay structure and service of Battle.net is vital.
<Bridenbecker> Do you lose experience for dying?
<Diablo2DevTeam> In the current build you do not. This is, however, the sort of issue that is not settled, changes on a daily basis, and will most likely change a few more times before we're done. (I'm not hedging!!!)
<Bridenbecker> Is there any plan for a private Blizzard forum for the beta testers?
<BRoper> We will have a beta forum on the Battle.net website, but it will be available for everyone to view and comment upon.
<Bridenbecker> How is the finale progressing?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Very well, it's almost finished. The finale has a bunch of new technologies we developed just to make it better. Since it's the end of the game, it has to be truly spectacular.
<Bridenbecker> Is there a confirmed Battle.net screen resolution?
<BRoper> The Battle.net screen resolution (chat rooms, character select screens and so forth) are 800x600. The game itself runs in 640x480.
<Bridenbecker> What is the exact effect of the Paladin's "Hand of God" spell?
<Diablo2DevTeam> This is a highly advanced skill that is an offensive lightning-based attack.
<Bridenbecker> When will the action figures release?
<BRoper> The action figures are going to be available at the same time the game ships. I intend to have my Barbarian figure watching over me as I assault the Tombs outside Lut Gholein!
<Bridenbecker> How much will mercenaries cost?
<Diablo2DevTeam> They cost varying ammounts depending on their abilities. There are "hireables" throughout the game, so they cost a lot more towards the end.
<Bridenbecker> When will the next gameplay .AVI be released, and which character?
<BRoper> We will be shooting an .AVI of the Necromancer and releasing within the next two weeks. Expect it to show some cool new spell effects and some places we haven't shown before.
<Bridenbecker> Can a hireable use potions and items, and do they leave battle to heal?
<Diablo2DevTeam> The hireables HAVE various items, but do not acquire them. They can be healed by Paladin auras, but do not leave the battle to heal. They fight to the death unless they follow you away from the battle.
<Bridenbecker> Are there still plans for arena matches?
<BRoper> The concept of arena combat exists in Diablo II because players can draw steel or spells against each other whenever they both choose to do so. While we are not including and actual setting for this style of play in the shipping version of the game we may address adding an "arena" to gameworlds in patches or future games.
<Bridenbecker> Will monsters run away if they are overmatched or if they need to heal?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Every monster has a unique behavior set. Running away to heal when necessary is certainly among them for many monsters, as well as many other devious ways of defeating you.
<Bridenbecker> What is the latest on looting corpses?
<BRoper> Members of your party can loot your corpse ONLY if you grant them specific permission. I would suggest you only let someone you trust rifle through the belongings found on your corpse ;).
<Bridenbecker> What will the defensive aura meditation do?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Meditation is another high-level skill that boosts mana recovery rates for nearby party members. That's a Paladin skill, by the way.
<Bridenbecker> What do you mean by "open beta"?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Well, uh, geez. We need to truly stress-test our servers with far more than the 1000+ in the regular beta. Thus, we will be doing some sort of "open" portion of the beta, with a reduced content set, that will be available to anyone. The details...are being worked out.
<Bridenbecker> How will multiple CD's effect multiplayer?
<BRoper> You will only need to change CDs when you move between world locations. If you go anywhere in Khanduras (Act I) for example, you never need to swap CDs. If you THEN go to Lut Gholein, however, you will need to put in CD 2.
<Bridenbecker> Will there be ears in Diablo 2?
<BRoper> Yes.
<Bridenbecker> What does Hand of Athena do?
<Diablo2DevTeam>Hand of Athena is a mid-level Amazon skill that slows nearby enemies, and reduces their armor class.
<Bridenbecker> Can you have multiple characters under one Battle.net account?
<BRoper> Each player can have multiple characters on a specific Realm under a single account. Each character, however, must have a unique name.
<Bridenbecker> Are Numbness and Shivers still part of the skill tree of the sorceress?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Numbness is not. Shivers has become "Shiver Armor," which does cold damage and stuns attackers. Numbness may have been re-named, but I'm not sure. Don't remember it! :)
<Bridenbecker> Will there be a way to look up a player when they are not online using either user names or Battle.net ID's?
<BRoper> You can only look up players when they are on-line. There is no user accessible database to get stats on players that are not currently logged onto Battle.net.
<Bridenbecker> Can you describe "realms" more?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Realms are discreet server-sets that will function as the character's Diablo community. They are set up for approximately 10,000 concurrent players, and many, many more total characters for each "Realm." At present, will live and be saved permanently on the Realm, but we're developing Realm-transfer capabilities. Correction: At present CHARACTERS will live...
<Bridenbecker> Will European servers be available at the same time as US servers?
<BRoper> Yes, as will the Asian servers.
<Bridenbecker> Can a Barbarian leap over the Necromancer's bone wall?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Yes, the Barbarian can leap over the Necro Bone Wall. However, for example, the Paladin Charge cannot penetrate it.
<Bridenbecker> Can you access your Diablo 2 character from any computer?
<BRoper> Yes, you will be able to access your Characters from any computer that can connect to Battle.net, just like you can access your account and stats in Starcraft from anywhere in the world.
<Bridenbecker> When the Barbarian leaps over the Necromancer's bone wall, will it do any damage to his life?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Neither the Bone Wall, nor the Leap skill do any damage. The Bone Wall is simply a barrier, and the Leap is just a means of movement. The Leap Attack skill (a higher level skill) does combine an attack with the Leap, however.
<Bridenbecker> What are Blizzard's goals with the upcoming beta?
<BRoper> We are looking to address play balance, compatibility, Battle.net server load and stress as well as giving you a chance to see the game and affect change in the product to make it a better experience for everyone once it ships!
<BRoper> ...also, world domination ;)...
<Bridenbecker> What does Bone Spirit do?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Bone Spirit is a missile attack that finds and tracks a target. It will be much deadlier than the Diablo Bone Spirit spell.
<Bridenbecker> Can different players be in different acts during the game?
<BRoper> Yes. Yes, they can. At the same time. In different acts. Again, yes they can be in different acts during the same multiplayer game. At the same time.
<Bridenbecker> Will monsters be visible to us when they are behind us?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Character direction does not determine line of sight. Only barriers such as walls block sight. Our theory is that a character can simply turn his/her head to see.
<Bridenbecker> How will you transfer money between players since gold is not an inventory item?
<BRoper> There is a special button that allows to you drop or trade gold. You simply TRADE with another player and give them the desired amount of gold. You can also always drop any specified amount of gold on the ground.
<Bridenbecker> Tell us more about proximity and shared experience?
<Diablo2DevTeam> In the current build, you share experience and gold with your designated party members regardless of proximity. This is not set in stone, however.
<Bridenbecker> Will there be a limit on the number of characters per beta tester?
<BRoper> As of this time there is a limit of 10 characters per account, but you could create multiple accounts and have lots of characters. Lots of LOW level characters, of course ;).
<Bridenbecker> Any "save the town" scenarios planned where the monsters invade the town?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Not really. However, one quest in the game requires that you go save a famous former Diablo NPC from Tristram, which has been overrun.
<Bridenbecker> Any news on the Mac port to Diablo 2?
<BRoper> We have our first single-player version up and running internally, and the Mac team is excited and enthusiastic on the progress they are making with porting the game.
<Bridenbecker> How will trading be done between players?
<Diablo2DevTeam> There is a brand-new secure trading interface where both players have to OK the trade before it goes through. For your close friends you can still just chuck the items on the ground, however.
<Bridenbecker> Will there be a world-wide release?
<BRoper> We are planning to have Diablo II ship worldwide and be up and running on continent specific Realms from the first day of shipping. We want to make sure that everyone gets the best experience possible from the very beginning.
<Bridenbecker> Can you describe the Paladin's Holy Shield?
<Diablo2DevTeam> This is another high-level Paladin skill. It magically enhances your shield to absorb damage.
<BRoper> That was our last question, but we do have a special announcement to make. For our fans in the Southern California area, we will be showing a special Film version of the Diablo II cinematic version in a theater in Los Angeles on November 16, 17 and 18. This is of the introduction and is called Diablo: The Calling.
<Diablo2DevTeam> Thank you everyone for attending! We look forward to seeing some of you in the beta next month.
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