12/17 Chat Log
Welcome to another great on-line chat session. For the record we have shippped Brood War and you should start seeing it in stores this weekend! But enough of that -- lets get on to Diablo II!!!!
First question: What percentage complete is Diablo II?
Diablo II is exactly 64.5674% complete. :) Actually, we've completed Acts 1 and 2 and started into Act 3. The monsters and characters are a little bit ahead of that.
Next question: Does Blizzard accept and consider any ideas from players?
Blizzard does read the suggestions posted in the forums, but we really can't accept unsolicited designs or suggestions. The designers of every product do really go up to the forums to see what the people want!
What changes have you made to the control bar at the bottom of the screen?
We're experimenting with a number of changes. We've added some buttons and bars to measure various things. It will certainly change quite a bit more before it's done.
Will there be Diablo II action figures?
We are seeing some great success with the Starcraft and Warcraft II figures, and we are excited at the future potential of our licenses. We all think that Diablo II has some pretty amazing looking beasts that would be great t
Can you tell us about the palace?
The palace is the domain of Jerhyn, the Lord of Lut Gholein. It will be involved in a quest, and has several levels beneath it.
Will there be a PK arena?
A PK Arena is an awesome idea that we have been throwing around for some time. We think that something like this would be a great addition to the game...
We don't know for sure what form or forms it will take. It will NOT replace regular PKing, however.
Will there be a Diablo II beta? If so, when?
We have found that open beta tests really help out the design and balance of the game, but it is WAY too early to know if -- much less exactly when and how -- we would go about doing one. as always, look to www.blizzard.com f
Can you describe a few of the new spells?
Two spectacular ones are the ice storm for the Sorceress, and the "Corpse Explosion" spell for the Necromancer. Both have excellent visuals.
What are you doing to enhance the online Diablo II community?
We will be adding support for Clan Halls, which will be a specific game type where clan members can meet (in game) to trade items and store treasure for later use. We are also improving our trading features to make this MUCH
What the three parts of the Necromancer's skill tree?
Well, we're still developing them, but we have some general categories. These are subject to change...
I'm getting our working "verbage" for them right now... One sec...
Summoning/Undead, Curses, and Poisons
Will Blizzard allow trading between two characters via the guild hall?
Yes, via in-game secured trading.
Is the Necromancer finalized?
Not even close. He's a character in development. Refinements are constantly being made. He will look different than the current screenshots, which show him in the least favorable light.
Do you have an expected release date yet?
Wait, you want a release date -- from Blizzard :). We are looking at the second half of 1999.
When do you plan on updating the Diablo II web page?
The web page will be updated tonight, and more tomorrow.
Will there be a Diablo movie?
With any luck, yes -- but we ill need a director, studio and actors first! I see Arnold as the Warrior and Sean Connery as Deckard Cain...
Can you explain how the spell system works?
Spells and skills will work the same. Each character class will have 30 skills/spells. They will be in the form of a tech tree, in other words, you'll have to learn some early spells to learn the later ones.
Will there be a Diablo II expansion set?
We are really focusing on getting DIablo II out first -- it may be so awesome that you won't... eh, what amI saying -- you'll always want one :). Too soon to say right now.
What do you use to program Diablo II?
We use C++ for programming. We use a variety of programs to generate the artwork, including some of our own tools.
How many people work at Blizzard?
Blizzard North has 36 employees and Blizzard "HQ" has 86, including our QA and TEch Support departments.
And Susan in PR, of course...
Tony too (sorry dude).
Will the Necromancer's Golems have the ability to attack players?
Yes. The creatures under the control of the Necromancer function like any other weapon. They can be targeted to monster and player alike.
Will there be spawning in Diablo II?
We love the idea of spawning and want to continue with it in our future titles. Just how it will be implemented is still totally undecided.
How far along are you in deciding monster and weapon attributes?
The techonogies are all in place for monsters and attributes. What remains to be done are the artwork for some of the later monsters and LOTS of data entry and tuning.
Does Blizzard visit fansites often?
I have several of them set as bookmarks, and Geoff and Ted make me go too more than I ever knew existed!
What is your favorite monster?
So far, the Fallen Shaman is my favorite. He has a ranged attack (fireball) a close attack with his knife, and the ability to raise his fallen Fallen.
When will the Diablo II Battle.net forum be up?
We are taking a hard look at the forums with the intent of making them an even better place for people to go. we want to really support the Battle.net community even more and so we are putting a couple of things on temporary
...until we get focused on what it is we are going to do.
Will NPC's be able to travel with your character?
Yes, you will be able to hire NPCs in each act to fight along side you. It will cost gold, though.
Will there be any internal company changes after the sale to Havas?
No, other than required Jerry Lewis movie viewing on Wednesday evenings.... seriously, it is only a great thing for all of us!
What is the setting for Act IV?
Act IV is the Grand Finale. All details are classified as this is the all-important end. We don't want to spoil it for anyone.
Will you be improving the cinematics for Diablo II?
We are always looking at pushing the envelope on every part of our games, and cinematics are no exception. I expect to see even more amazing stuff from the Blizzard Film Department (BFD) guys this time around.
How will transportation between towns work?
You will have to travel between them in order the first time through. Afterwards, you'll be able to go directly to any town. There is a particular NPC in each act who will take you to the next one.
Do you know what the minimum system requirements are going to be?
Nope, but we will stay dedicated to making the game as accessible as possible to our fans.
Can you jump in Diablo II?
No, but you can run! Diablo II isn't really a jumping/platform type of game.
What are you going to do to prevent cheating in Diablo II?
We really wanted to send electro-shock through the keyboard, but the technology for that is still a ways off. We are going to be using a combination of technologies, including client/server, to keep the game experience as we i
Will Diablo II have multiple endings?
Yeah, if you die. :) Each game has different monsters, quests, and layouts, but the final goal is the same in each.
Have you finalized the number of players at 8?
We have not determined what the "right" number of players is yet. A lot of that has to do with play balance and fun factor.
We may allow more in the battle arenas 1) if we do battle arenas, and 2) if it's more fun with more people.
Are you going to release a demo in the near future?
The demo that we did with Microsoft with Diablo was a great way to get people interested in the game, so we are looking at ways to give players the same early taste of the game this time around. No solid plans yet, but we wil
How will guild halls be created and will they cost gold?
They will be created by a guild master, who will control who can enter. They will cost gold. We're not sure yet if we will require a certain level or number of people to start a guild hall.
Will Diablo II take advantage of the Voodoo 3?
We are still deciding exactly what cards we are going to support, so it is still a bit early for us to say one way or the other. I will say it looks awesme on my 3DFX card right now, though :).
Have you started working on the multiplayer aspects yet?
Yes, from the beginning it has been designed with this in mind. We've already had our first Pkilling festivals in the office.
How big is Battle.net?
Battle.net has really grown over the last few months. We have over 800,000 active users, and our best simultaneous user count is around 30,000. Finally, Season03 of Starcraft had 135,000 ladder participants!
How complete is the Barbarian at this point?
Not very.
We've designed a bunch of attributes, but the graphics are just starting. Will there be a Diablo III?
Diablo III? What about Starcraft X or Warcraft XII? Man -- give us a few more days, at least ;).
What types of items can you equip your character with?
WAY too early to even think about that...
Armor, Helms, all sorts of weapons, amulets, rings, belts, gloves, boots, shields. That's all I can think of right now.
Will there be any of those cool cows?
The success of the secret cow level was so overwhelming (jk) that we not only kept the cows, but we have also added chickens, rats, bats and so on... really!
Will you be able to save multiplayer games?
No, too many complications.
Will the Barbarian be larger than the other characters, like he is in the sketches?
What does Blizzard want for Christmas?
Sleep, since we just shipped Brood War... but really, just for every one to enjoy our games!
Blizzard North just wants enough free time to do our Christmas shopping!
Will the Diablo II world be persistent?
Diablo II will have persistent characters, but the world changes with each game. Unless we put everyone in the same game a persistent world is impossible. The Guild halls will give some of the qualities of a persistent wo
Can you give us a little hint on the unannounced projects?
Uh, well, lets see...
How will books work?
Books will function as repositories for scrolls. You'll be able to stack multiple scrolls into a book. The spellbooks from Diablo 1 have been replaced by the skill/spell tree.
Why are you guys so cool?
Years of hard work and training at the Dunsel Institute of America has prepared us to exude coolness. If you think WE'RE cool, you should meet Susan... (besides, we're called Blizzard for a reason).
What is the maximum level your character can achieve?
Infinity and beyond. No, seriously, we haven't determined that yet, but we can pretty much guarantee you won't get there!
Will the Diablo II site be updated more frequently?
As we get closer to the release of the product, we will be adding more and more to the site. We are looking forward to really filling this out in the coming months.
Can you control more than one character at at time?
In a sense, yes. You'll be able to hire NPCs to fight with you, and you'll have some control over them. Similarly, the Necromancer will have control of his summoned creatures.
Will you fight Baal or Mephisto in the game?
Yes! They will be extremely tough. In Diablo 1, Diablo was pretty easy to kill. You won't find that in Diablo II.
When will the next chat be held?
Our next chat will be in 6-8 weeks.
Is the item inventory any bigger in Diablo II?
No, but there may be some off-character storage. But I can't give any details yet. The books help hold down the space occupied by scrolls, and there will be less dependence on potions this time, so you wont have to fill your inventory.
Will there be cinematics between acts?
Can you steal from shops?
Yeah - player killing, stealing -- what's next -- town pillaging?
Nope. We want to encourage strict morality. hehehehe.
Will there be any Easter eggs in Diablo II?
There will be secrets, but not necessarily "easter eggs." Certainly not chocolate ones.
Will you be able to walk into the shops in town?
Last couple of questions...
Yes, you will be able to enter and explore some of the structures while others are street-side carts or stalls. You will definitely be able to go into buildings, however.
When will the next Diablo II designer diaries be released on Gamespot?
Probably in the next couple of weeks. The interview has just been done, and Gamespot will post it as soon as they can get it ready.
Will characters actually have to sleep, or eat... or perform other bodily functions?
Developers yes, characters guys?
Hehehe. No. And they won't have to do their taxes either.
Diablo II: April 15 hell on earth!
OK, that's allthe time we have.
Thanks everyone!
Thanks, everyone, for coming
Thanks for coming out everyone -- see you next time!
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