6/17 Chat Log
<Bridenbecker> When can we expect the PC Accelerator contest to end?
<BillR> The contest is almost closed, with entries being due June 18th. The winners will be announced in the next few weeks.
<Bridenbecker> Will the Diablo character look the same as in the original? Or will he look different in Diablo 2?
<Diablo2DevTeam> No, we have an all-new Diablo. He's considerably meaner, badder, tougher, and harder to kill. His look is somewhat familiar, but he has a new human host who is stronger, so he's new and improved.
<Bridenbecker> How far along is the finale?
<Diablo2DevTeam> The finale is well on its way. So far, it's been getting rave reviews within the office. The backgrounds, monsters, and items are all being developed in parallel.
<Bridenbecker> When will you release the E3 trailer?
<BillR> We will be releasing the E3 trailer on the fansite FTP tomorrow (Friday).
<Bridenbecker> Can you update us on when the beta test will start?
<Diablo2DevTeam> The beta test will most likely begin sometime in August. Be sure to check our website for official word on sign-ups and so forth.
<Bridenbecker> Are there any plans for another GameSpot designer diary entry?
<BillR> Yes, we are currently working with GameSpot on this and should have it completed in the next 2-3 weeks. The featured team member will be one of our designers...
<Bridenbecker> How long until you complete Act 3?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Act 3 is almost done. We're just making new variations and a few more goodies. The basic structure of the act is in place. We've put in quite a bit since E3!
<Bridenbecker> Will Diablo 2 come on DVD-ROM?
<BillR> While we have no plans to intially ship the game in DVD format, we are looking into do a DVD version for later release.
<Bridenbecker> Are there going to be different endings?
<Diablo2DevTeam> The ending will be the same, provided you succeed in your quest. There are many, many different ways to do that, but the ending is the same.
<Bridenbecker> What are your plans for updating the Diablo 2 section on the Blizzard web site?
<BillR> We are expecting a new build to shoot the most up-to-date footage for our next gameplay .avi next week. We will be focusing next on the Barbarian.
<Bridenbecker> Can you explain the difference between dodge, avoid and evade.
<Diablo2DevTeam> Sure. All three are "passive" skills; you don't have to do anything once you've put points in. "Dodge" will avoid hand-to-hand attacks while you are stationary. Avoid works the same way but it works while you are walking or running...
<Diablo2DevTeam> and Evade works the same way with missile attacks.
<Bridenbecker> How do skills improve with the addition of points?
<BillR> It differes for each skill type, but here are some examples. Passive skills, such as Dodge, have % chances to work. Every time you put a skill point into that skill, your base % chance to Dodge an attack increases. Skills like Firewall, however...
<BillR> ...have the cost of casting decrease and/or the damage done increase the higher your skill level. Each point adds a set effect to the skill or spell.
<BillR> effect = bonus
<Bridenbecker> Do any of the Barbarians' warcries work on players instead of monsters?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Yes, for example, the "Shout" cry increases your party members AC temporarily. There are no Barbarian war cry skills that will hurt another player character.
<Bridenbecker> Are town portals going to be timed?
<BillR> Town Portal will function the same as they did in Diablo, meaning that they stay up until they have been travelled through both ways.
<BillR> Waypoints, however, are permanent ways to traverse large distances.
<Bridenbecker> Is the Sorceress immune to her own spell damage?
<Diablo2DevTeam> The Sorceress is immune to her own spells only while she's casting them. After they are cast, she is vulnerable to their effects.
<Bridenbecker> Will there be a maximum number of points you can add to a skill?
<BillR> We have not set a maximum yet, but we expect to set some cap on skill levels. One big factor on determining this will be balance testing during the beta. As always, this is open to change during the development process.
<Bridenbecker> How long does the average Necromancer spell last?
<Diablo2DevTeam> It varies. The golems last until they are killed. The bone shield lasts until it's used up from collisions, and the curses are timed, and last for an interval that depends on how many skill points are allotted.
<Bridenbecker> Does the Diablo II team read the Diablo II forums?
<BillR> Yes, the team does read the forums, but please remember that they are so busy on getting the game done that they really can't reply to them all.
<Bridenbecker> How do you think Diablo 2's single player game will compare with Baldur's Gate?
<Diablo2DevTeam> First of all, we're friends with the guys at Bioware, makers of Baldur's Gate. We see our games as complementing eachother rather than competing. They are a bit more story oriented, while we are more action oriented. Both are fine products.
<Bridenbecker> Will guild halls be capable of having multiple owners?
<BillR> Guild Halls will have multiple owners in the sense that a group of characters need to pool their money in order to be able to pay for one. There will only be one Guild Master, however, and it is that person who sets the list of Guild Members and so forth.
<Bridenbecker> Can you describe the Barbarian's "whirlwind" and "battle command" skills?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Nope. They are still being implemented, and are very much subject to change.
<Bridenbecker> Have you decided whether you will offer different difficulty levels?
<BillR> We are planning on implementing different difficulty levels in both single player and multiplayer games. We have not set how many difficulty levels there will be, however.
<Bridenbecker> Will Golems be able to attack other players?
<Diablo2DevTeam> You will be able to target players that are hostile to you with Golems. So, yes.
<Bridenbecker> Will there be cursed gems?
<BillR> Like many things in life, there is good and bad. Not every Gem you find will be magical, and not every magical gem will be beneficial. In short -- yes, there will be cursed gems.
<Bridenbecker> What does the Necromancer's "reverse vampire" skill do?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Reverse Vampire taps into the life of your target. You will gain from their loss. Kind of like Diablo's items "of the Vampire" only with life instead of mana.
<Bridenbecker> What were some of Blizzard's favorite games at E3?
<BillR> Age of Kings, Vampire: The Masquerede, Tribes 2, Team Fortress, and Diablo II, of course!
<Bridenbecker> What will Diablo 2's resolution be?
<Diablo2DevTeam> The game will run at 640x480.
<Bridenbecker> Will you be able to lend mana to other players?
<BillR> No, Mana is a personal, private source of magical power that cannot be shared -- although it can be stolen.
<Bridenbecker> Is the Paladin the only character who will be capable of removing a curse or poison?
<Diablo2DevTeam> He is the only player-character who can mitigate the effects of curses and poisons, but that doesn't mean there are no NPCs who can do the same.
<Bridenbecker> Will there be any big bosses other than the four previously announced?
<BillR> Yes, and won't you be surprised when you meet them! :)
<Bridenbecker> How will the track player and track monster skills work?
<Diablo2DevTeam> They will appear on your automap. I should point out that all these skills are subject to change.
<Bridenbecker> Do spells bounce off walls?
<BillR> There are currently no spells with reflective properties. Hmmm... it seems like a lot of these questions are about ways to attack other players...
<Bridenbecker> Will there be NPC versions of Diablo 2's character classes?
<Diablo2DevTeam> There will be NPCs of past, present and future Diablo characters.
<Diablo2DevTeam> hehehe
<BillR> bwahahahaha
<Bridenbecker> Will Diablo 2 be available for the Macintosh?
<BillR> Yes -- in fact the contract is being signe on my desk as I write. We are looking forward to bringing Diablo II onto the Macintosh platform as soon as we can after the PC version ships.
<Bridenbecker> So, is there going to be a future expansion pack?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Um.... We haven't said so.
<Bridenbecker> Have you made any decisions on a console version yet?
<BillR> We have not yet made any decisions in regards to a console version of Diablo II, but we are very interested in continuiung to bring our worlds to the console marketplace.,
<Bridenbecker> Can you describe the Paladin's "perception" and "zeal" skills?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Redemption is an aura skill that "redeems" a monster, giving the Paladin life and mana. Zeal is a skill that makes the Paladin travel to the spot of the kill in an uninterruptable way. It lets the Paladin fight through a crowd.
<Bridenbecker> Will weapons and armor have durability in Diablo 2?
<BillR> We have removed the durability concept from the game. This was especially important in Diablo for bows, but now that there are arrows in D2, we felt it was more of an inconvience than a good gameplay point.
<Bridenbecker> Will there be any cows in Diablo 2?
<BillR> Yes, cows are a very important part of the Diablo mythos and they are seen in the very first town of Diablo II. Moo moo, I say!
<Bridenbecker> Will wands hold spells?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Yes, but the player must have the potential to have that skill. In other words, the spell must be in their skill tree for them to be able to use the wand.
<Bridenbecker> Will you be able to hire non-human hirelings?
<BillR> The only hireable NPCs will be human, but necromancers can not only create Golems, but can also raise the dead to fight for them.
<Bridenbecker> Do any characters have a mobility advantage?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Yes. They have different running speeds, attack rates, and stamina levels.
<Bridenbecker> Is the tavern in the E3 cinematic the same as in the original Diablo?
<BillR> No, the tavern in the trailer is not Ogden's. The fate of his establishment will become clear in ACT I of Diablo II.
<Diablo2DevTeam> Frost Nova is a radiating ring of frost that will slow your opponents.
<Bridenbecker> Will your 3D card effect the gamespeed/framerate?
<BillR> In the case of lower end systems, a 3D card will increase your performance.
<Bridenbecker> Who was answering the questions on the chat today?
<Diablo2DevTeam> The Diablo2DevTeam is represented today by Ted Bisson, Mike Huang, Matt Householder, and Max Schaefer.
<BillR> And this is Bill Roper, Diablo II fan down in beautiful Irvine.
<BillR> Thanks for coming out to the chat -- we will see you at the next session in 6-8 weeks. See you on Battle.net!
<Diablo2DevTeam> Thanks everyone!
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