8/12 Fansite Chat Transcript
With Analysis
A very interesting chat, to be sure. Unfortunately many people seemed dead-set on asking questions that had already been answered. No matter, below is the transcript with analysis of certain parts by the ShadowSpiral Diablo II staff.
<BillR> Welcome everyone to our Diablo II fansite chat. as usual we will be taking questions from all of you and try to get to as many as possible in the next hour. We have the Diablo II Development team here from Blizzard North and Bill Roper, so let's start.
<Bridenbecker> Please start sending in your questions now.
<Bridenbecker> How long after D2's release do you expect non-English versions available?
<BillR> We work on the localization process during the development of the title and our goal is to get versions in other languages done as soon as we can after the release of the U.S. version. Typically, this takes anywhere from 2-6 weeks.
Good news for everyone wanting a non-English copy of Diablo II. I would say the rush to get the additional language copies out the door is due to Blizzardīs newfound advertising blitz in Europe and Asia.
<BillR> We are always working to tighten this time up, though =).
<Bridenbecker> Which 3D hardware will Diablo 2 support?
<BillR> We will be supporting Glide and OpenGL. We intend to support as many cards as possible so we hit the widest base of users that we can.
One of the questions that has been asked to death, almost. It seems like people are definately not getting the information when it comes to the point of 3D in Diablo II. It is also worth note to say that Diablo will not require 3D acceleration, it only increases the visual quality of the game. The game is assured to work, and work well, without any kind of 3D acceleration.
<Bridenbecker> When do you expect the D2 beta to start?
<Diablo2DevTeam> The beta is almost ready. I'd estimate -and this is only an estimate- that we will be ready to ship the beta before the end of the month. To clarify, this is a battle.net-only beta.
A very good piece of information to hear, as many people (including us) were becoming a little pessimistic about the Beta Testīs date. It seems that the Beta may indeed be happening this month after all.
<Bridenbecker> Which language will the game be translated to?
<BillR> We will be doing full translations in German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Italian and possibly Korean. We also do box and manual translations in MANY other languages.
Also new information, another good thing to hear for non-American Diablo II fanatics.
<Bridenbecker> Can a player change his relationship settings (hostile, friendly, or neutral) in mid-game?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Yes. But, depending on whether or not it's cheatable, there may be a delay before it takes effect.
A little ambiguous, but it answers the question plain. I wonder what it meant through a "cheatable" change in the relationship setting. This is probably brought about when a PK kills a character then tries to become Friendly in order to loot the victimīs corpse. Hmmm, we will have to find out more on this one.
<Bridenbecker> Can a player join more than one guild in Diablo 2?
<BillR> We haven't made a decision one way or the other yet, and a lot will depend on how we show clan/guild affiliations within battle.net and the game. This is definitely something we will be looking at in the Beta.
Another gray area of the game, and something it looks like the Beta Test will address. I know many Guilds have a vested interest in this, as it applies to loyalty factors in the guild, as well as to turncoats and double-agents.
<Bridenbecker> How many golems and summoned creatures can be in play at once?
<Diablo2DevTeam> This depends on the skill. The limits are different depending on both the number of skill points allotted, and the individual skill. There are several skills that produce "pets."
A very interesting questions, itīs a shame that more information couldnīt be had from the reply. How many Golems, summoned skeletons, and other NPCīs can a character have working for him or her? This will probably be hashed out in the Beta Test.
<Diablo2DevTeam> This is also a balance issue that we are always addressing.
<Bridenbecker> How many betas will be given out through the fansite program in the random drawing?
<BillR> We will be randomly giving out 20 Beta slots during the drawing. We will also reserve slots for certain fansite VIPs, so make sure you are nice to Susan and Tony ;).
Hmmm, I wonder if we have attained VIP status? Most likely not, but we all have our fingers crossed for landing one of the Beta Tests.
<Bridenbecker> Can you give us additional information on how gems will be used?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Gems will be used in socketable (gem-receiving) items. Any weapon or armor class may have socketable instances. The gems will give new attributes to the item. There are many types of gems, and the gems themselves can be upgraded at gem shrines.
Gems, one of the newer systems of item enchantment, are a big draw in Diablo II. The ability to customize weapons and armors with gems is very interesting, and thereīs a lot of possible combinations inventive gamers could create. The shrines to upgrade them are very appealing as well, I wonder what some of these gems could do?
<Bridenbecker> Do you plan to do a Warcraft II Battle.net Edition beta?
<BillR> Our early testing has gone so well that we are able to accelerate our release schedule and go straight to internal release candidate beta testing. We fully expect to be releasing Warcraft II: Battle.net Edition in September and are very excited!
This I didnīt understand in the least. This was a Diablo II Fansite chat, and here is a question about WarCraft II: BNE. I am always happy to get any information from Blizzard, but given the time constraints of the chat it would have been nice if some people could have stayed on subject.
<BillR> So, while we will not be doing an external beta, we will be getting the finished game into players hands sooner than expected.
<Bridenbecker> What are the goals of the Diablo 2 beta?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Mostly, the beta will be focused on server stability. However, we expect to find and fix a wide variety of balance issues and client-side bugs.
Common Beta Test practices, the addressing of bugs and balancing will all play an important role in the test.
<Bridenbecker> Is there going to be a new product announcement at ECTS?
<BillR> Yes -- we will be unveiling our next major release at ECTS in London on Sunday, September 5th. Don't forget that is Sunday in England...
I wonder what they have up their sleeves this time? Rumors about, everything from StarCraft II to a 3D first-person shooter.
<BillR> ...hehehe
<Bridenbecker> How powerful can a summoned creature become?
<Diablo2DevTeam> The power of summoned creatures increases with the number of skill-points allotted. Of course, if you put all your points in a given summon skill, your character will be very vulnerable. So you have to balance your priorities.
We have heard of the Skeletal Masteries, new skills for the Necromancer, so this is probably where this questions comes from. But it appears the base power of the summonings all come from the level of the spell used.
<Bridenbecker> Does Blizzard actually read the Diablo 2 suggestion forum?
<BillR> Yes they do -- in fact we often use the forums as a way to see directly into the "minds" of our fans, gicing us a great cross-section of desires and expections from our products.
A strange questions that always seems to find its way into any Fansite chat. Any regular forum-goer knows Blizzard reads their Suggestions Forum, and you can often find their responses on the board. I donīt understand why people keep saying that they donīt read it.
<Bridenbecker> Can you name and describe the Necromancer spell in the latest SSOTW?
<Diablo2DevTeam> That is "Amplify Damage." This is an area-effect curse that increases the damage done to the accursed creatures for a limited amount of time.
This question bothered me. If the person truly meant the SSOTW for August 3rd then I canīt help but wonder. However, some debate has been cast over the SSOTW for August 10th, as the glowing, skeletal apparitions have been said to Bone Spirits cast by the Necromancer. Perhaps this was a mistake on Blizzardīs side, or maybe since there is no Necromancer involvement in the shot for August 10th they assumed it was the earlier one.
<Bridenbecker> Can you tell us how the novels are progressing?
<BillR> We are currently reviewing authors and working closely with Pocket Books on cover ideas. I am very excited about the proposed names that we may get a chance to work with and we are all looking forward to producing great books that are true to our worlds.
The novels have been in the works for some time now. Many novels wil come out, all grounded in Blizzardīs worlds of WarCraft, StarCraft, and Diablo.
<Bridenbecker> Is Diablo 2 taking more or less time than you estimated?
<Diablo2DevTeam> We've learned to avoid such estimates. It always takes longer than we think it will originally since we tend to come up with cool new ideas during development. Rather than milk the title and make many barely-distinguishable sequels, we cram them all...
<Diablo2DevTeam> into one game.
Blizzard has stuck to their guns: "itīs done when itīs done" they maintain. Very good philosophy in my opinion. While it can be maddening at times, it ensures a high quality game as the result.
<Bridenbecker> Have you decided how much a guild hall will cost?
<BillR> No, but we DO know that it will be a lot. A REAL lot. We are talking mucho dinero, Basically, we want to make sure that GUILDS are buying these halls, not just individuals (unless they are the Donald Trump of Diablo II).
Very good information here. It appears as though the purchasing of a Guild Hall will be a team event, many members of the guild pouring their finances together to buy the Hall. As a rule, individuals wonīt be buying Guild Halls for themselves.
<Bridenbecker> What do the Barbarian's combat masteries do?
<Diablo2DevTeam> The Barbarian combat masteries are passive skills that increase his effectiveness with the particular weapon class (like axe, mace, or sword) that the skill point was put toward.
A general question with a very general answer. If the question had been a little more specific we could have possibly gotten more out of this.
<Bridenbecker> Do boots affect your speed?
<BillR> The only way that footwear affects your speed if it is imbued with magical properties. We will be doing some specialization of what types of items have what effects, and boots are a pretty safe bet to have the movement enhancing enchantments.
Also some good info. It looks like Gloves, Belts, and Boots will have minor benefits to AC and perhaps some minor magical effects.
<Bridenbecker> Have you finalized the number of players in multiplayer?
<Diablo2DevTeam> We've pretty much settled on 8, but we're toying with the idea of allowing the creator of the game to set a lower maximum if they so desire.
Eight players in a game has been maintained for a while now. However, the ability for the game creator to set the max number in a game is new information. Personally, I would like to see this implemented as well.
<Bridenbecker> How many people will be in the Diablo 2 beta?
<BillR> We have not set a final amount, but we will certainly start out with a 1,000 user beta (kind of our standard). We may or may not expand past that, but we will have to see what needs come up during testing.
In other words, a standard Blizzard Beta Test.
<Bridenbecker> Will the Sorceress be able to kill all monster types using magic?
<Diablo2DevTeam> The sorceress has her magic skills separated into 3 categories. It's safe to assume that, with the possible exception of particular "boss" monsters, there will be no monster classes that are 100% immune to all three types of magic.
<Diablo2DevTeam> (the 3 categories are fire, cold, and lightning)
A change from Diablo it seems. In Diablo (in the deeper Hell levels), there were some creatures who were immune to all magics. The Soul Burners were among the most dangerous of these, in my experience.
<swooley> Hey everybody: Can we tone down the colorful language. We expect a certain level of decorum in these chats. Check your potty-mouths at the door. :)
<Diablo2DevTeam> !
<Bridenbecker> What is Diablo 2 going to cost?
<BillR> We expect it to be availabel in stores for around $60.00 U.S.
A good price for a game such as Diablo II.
<BillR> er, that is available -- :)
<Bridenbecker> How many arrows can the Amazon shoot at once?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Her multiple shot skill will allow her to shoot multiple arrows depending on the skill points. This will be capped, but we don't know where yet. She also has a strafe skill that will fire an arrow at each monster within a certain radius.
The Amazonīs bow skills have always been a little vague, and information on them is always helpful. The Strafe skill sounds highly interesting to me.
<Bridenbecker> Are you satisfied with how the fan site program has run over this past year?
<BillR> I think that the fansite program has been an awesome way for us to stay in close contact with our community. We have been able to do some things (like this chat) that we could never do with mainstream press or even gaming magazines. I hope...
<BillR> ...that you all have got a lot of good insight into the game and development of Diablo Ii from our efforts.
The Fansite program is a very unique and wonderful effort by Blizzard to bring the gaming community closer to game. For all of itīs faults, I think Blizzard has some of the best relations with the gaming market, all due to the Fansite program and the Diablo II Community.
<Bridenbecker> What is Blizzard North's favorite spell?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Of course we all have our different favorites, but everyone likes the best skill of all time: "Corpse Explosion!"
Which won my vote as well.
<Bridenbecker> Any plans for a Diablo 2 add-on?
<BillR> We are going to have to finish Diablo II before we start talking about add-ons. As always, we will see how well the game is received and look at what we could add to the gameplay and universe before we make this decision.
No official word, but I could swear that Bill Roper was smiling as he typed this.
<Bridenbecker> Can you describe the Sorceress skill Thunderstorm?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Thunder Storm will cause a thunder storm that periodically hits a nearby target with a bolt of lightning.
This will be interesting to see in effect, and multiple castings could be dangerous as well. Nice to get a description of this spell.
<Diablo2DevTeam> We were creative with that skill name!
<Bridenbecker> Will there be cheat codes for single player?
<BillR> No.
Earlier on there was talk of allowing cheat codes in the single player mode. Apparently this has been removed in order to prevent possible security loopholes for hackers to exploit.
<Bridenbecker> How will cold spells affect other players?
<Diablo2DevTeam> There are two types of cold spells; some that slow the target and some that freeze it. Some do physical damage as well.
This means that skills that freeze you could be deadly in a skilled Amazonīs or Sorceressīs hands.
<Bridenbecker> What do gloves do?
<BillR> They cover your hands, providing warmth in the winter and protecting your fingers from rough edges. Also, they provide increased Armor Class and may be enchanted with magical properties.
Covered in the question about Boots, besides the humorous response their isnīt much to be had here. We were hoping for some special effects from Gloves, but perhaps Blizzard is keeping some of the cards close to their chest.
<Bridenbecker> Do you have a total number of weapon and armor types?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Since some weapons and armor are given random magic attibutes, a firm number is impossible to calculate. But a rough estimate of types is... (getting list...) about 48 basic type of armor, and approximately 70 weapon types. These do NOT include...
<Diablo2DevTeam> magic and unique variants.
This is a postively huge amount of weapons and items, far more than Diablo ever had, including Uniques. It will be great to see some of these items in action.
<Bridenbecker> Will Diablo 2 function with Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000?
<BillR> Diablo II will work with windows 95/98/NT4.0 and 2000. Also, we will be doing a Macintosh version!
Standard fare, as Windows 2000 in based on the NT kernel and we knew Diablo II would support Windows NT.
<Bridenbecker> Can the Paladin cast Aura on other players?
<Bridenbecker> We will only be taking the next two questions.
<Diablo2DevTeam> Yes! Some of the paladin auras, like Salvation (which increases all friendly resistances) are specifically designed for your party members.
I what some of the other Auras can target other players? The Paladin is quickly finding a niche in the game as a team coordinator and booster.
<Bridenbecker> Who is representing Blizzard on this chat?
<BillR> Bill Roper here at Blizzard in lovely Irvine.
<Diablo2DevTeam> Blizzard North is represented today by Matt Householder and Max Schaefer.
<Diablo2DevTeam> (Blizzard North is the Diablo2DevTeam!)
<Bridenbecker> Will you be doing another Gamespot Designer Diary?
<Diablo2DevTeam> Stieg Hedlund, senior designer, did the latest Gamespot Designer Diary, and we expect it to show up in the next couple of weeks.
<swooley> Thanks, everybody. Next chat will be in 6 - 8 weeks -- after the product announcement. Bye.
<Diablo2DevTeam> Thanks everyone!
All in all a pretty good chat with a surprising amount of new information. If you feel weīve left something out, or there is something you would like to add, please e-mail us.
Darkk (WebMaster)
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