Act III: The Jungle-City of Kurast
The Town:
The city of Kurast is the main town of Act III. Kurast, an ancient city built over several old ruins, is the birthplace of the Zakarum, also known as the Religion of Light. At present, the city of Kurast is mostly unseen and unknown, with only glimpses of this primal city seen through screenshots and a few clips in the various gameplay movies. From what we have seen we know that the city is slowly flooding, and jungle wilderness around it is almost continuously rainy. However, several rickety, wooden railways span the pools and lakes of water, allowing the player characters to traverse the city.
Right now details on Kurast are sketchy, and we´ve only been able to ascertain the function of one of the NPC´s, which is so far the only one we´ve seen. Below is the description of the NPC plus a few screenshots of Kurast´s environs.
Alkor - This NPC deals in potions and herbs.
Asheara - Asheara is the leader of the Iron Wolves, an order of mercenaries who will become your allies. If you complete a quest for Asheara, he will hire out sorcerers who can join you during act three for some added magical muscle.
Hratli - This NPC in crimson robes in apparently the armor salesman in Act III. In his shop there is an earthen forge and a table and chairs, giving the look of the place a rustic feel.
Ormus: He is a mad poet who, between his rantings, offers some vital information about the storyline. He also gives you one of the act's six quests.
Screenshots of Act III
Wilderness Area:
The wilderness area of Act III is a trackless jungle, fed by the almost constant rains over the area. Huge frond-leaved palm trees hang over the forest, which provides excellent cloaking for the characters, and for the creatures that lurk in the jungles. Among the creatures we´ve seen lurking in the wet jungles are green-tinged zombies, insect-like giant mosquitoes, and imp-like creatures that resemble Fallen. There are also some enemies with more powerful abilities and a different look that reappear here. Gorebellies (aka Blunderbores) and some unnamed creatures that look like Thorned Hulks haunt the forests.
Other places you´ll see in the jungles are the ancient ruins of the Zakarum, and perhaps some other ruins that are uncharted and unknown. These ruins may house many types of dangerous enemies, including several species of the undead. Some of the temples have found there way into screenshots, two of which we have captured below.
The Quests:
Mephisto - Most of Act III´s quests are unknown, but it is taken on good authority that Act III hides the Greater Evil known as Mephisto, the Lord of Hate. Next to Baal and Diablo, Mephisto is the other Greater Evil who takes his authority over the undead, and other hate-filled creatures whose blind rage leads them to persist in unlife upon the earth.
Mephisto will pose a great challenge, and his abilities are so far unknown. He will probably have a great of undead guards present, perhaps some unique undead that will only appear in his tomb. One can only hope that the Soulstone that contains his essence has been undisturbed, making the trip an easy one. His inclusion as a boss, though, will probably mean his escape from the confines of the Soulstone.
"The Lord of Hatred shall ascend his throne and the fires of Hell shall devour all."
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