Specialty: Melee (Swords, Axes, etc.)
Skills: War Cries, Combat Actions, and Combat Mastery.
The Barbarian is a member of any of several tribes on the fringes of civilization, and he refuses the influence of those he sees as soft and weak. Ceaseless clan warfare and the constant struggle to survive in the hostile wilderness are reflected in the Barbarian's sturdy and powerful frame. Though perhaps lacking the sophistication of city folk, the Barbarian has an acute awareness of his surroundings. Because of his shamanistic belief in the animal powers with whom he identifies, the Barbarian is sometimes associated with stories of lycanthropy. In fact, he believes he can call upon the totemic animal spirits to infuse him with supernormal strengths and abilities, but these only work to improve his already superb battle-tactics.
- Blizzard's Official Diablo II Site (source)
The Barbarianīs Skill Trees:
The Barbarianīs skills center on melee combat, making him the most effective melee fighter of all of Diablo IIīs five characters. He has masteries that improve his skill with certain weapons, and also fierce war cries that can terrorize his enemies and bolster his friendsī morale. When engaged in serious combat, it is always good to have the slalwart Barbarian at your side.
Below you can find the Barbarianīs three skill trees each with descirptions of the skills and the requirements for their use.
- Combat Masteries -
- Combat Skills -
- War Cries -
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