The Beastiary
Diablo II sports a variety of monstrous species, far more than Diablo ever had. Moreover, the monstes in Diablo II have many different kinds of attacks, some even capable of using multiple types of magic. The following list is a collection of the monster species we´ve seen thus far.
"Bone Mage"
"Bone Spirit"
Claw Viper
Corrupted Rogue
Dark Lord
"Desert Crawler"
Fallen Shaman
Foul Crow
Greater Mummy
Sand Maggot
"Swamp Mosquito"
Thorned Hulk
Zakarum Zealot
Blunderbore - The Blunderbore is a brutish, hulking monster from the sands of Act II. Blessed with immense strength, the Blunderbore is also a pack hunter, so expect to encounter them in roving bands. The Blunderbore weilds a corpse wrapped in steel chains as a weapon, adding to his savage appearance. These fearsome creatures will make for quite a fight. They also appear in Act III as creatures called Gorebellies.
"Bone Mage" - These powerful creatures are possessed of magical attacks, and from a recent screenshot seem to be adept at cold magics, though they may possibly use others as well. The "Bone Mage" appears in numbers, but only a few of them at a time. They will probably be quite dangerous, as they can freeze you for a time with their magic.
"Bone Spirit" - This creature, seen in a recent SSOTW, is an anomolous one at least. Swathed in light, this skeletal apparition seems both divine and dangerous. Is it to be feared or respected... only time will tell.
Claw Viper - These dangerous, desert-dwelling creatures are some of fiercest encounters you´ll have in Act II. Serpentine and lithe, these monsters possess a clawing attack and a tail strike that can land a hit two spaces from any character. They seem to primarily travel in packs of three.
Corrupted Rogue - The Corrupted Rogues are the creations of Andariel´s twisted, demonic sorcery. Once pure and innocent, the essence of these valiant rogues became skewed by Andariel, their bodies warping to match their defiled hearts. The Corrupted Rogues are powerful and attack in numbers. They can use bows and spears like an Amazon, and some may have other Hadean abilities.
Dark Lord - The Dark Lord is a spellcasting enemy that hails from the deserts and hidden crypts of Act II. True to the essence of their location, the Dark Lords seem to have an affinity for fire magics, and can use Firewalls, Firebolts, and even Meteors. The Dark Lords are quite resiliant, and can take a good deal of damage before they die. They are assumed to be undead, so the Paladin´s magics may be of good use in dispatching them.
"Desert Crawler" - The Desert Crawler, a placeholder name, is a small creature whose power belies it size. This creature attacks by launching itself at you and clawing. Dangerous in packs to be sure.
Fallen - These simian brutes haunt Acts I and II and come in many different varieties. Both solitary and pack hunters, the Fallen are voracious but also cowardly. Killing a member of a Fallen pack cause the others to rout, running from the player in instinctual fear. Of course, their bloodthirsty nature drives them back to the fray after a few moments as they regroup and retaliate.
Fallen Shaman - Large packs of the Fallen are often lead by a Shaman. The Shaman has two abilities, the first is to resurrect fallen members of the pack. He can do this without end it seems, and to eliminate a Shaman-led pack requires the death of the Shaman first. The Shaman can also cast weak Firebolts, making him a formidable adversary. Thankfully, Fallen Shamans cannot resurrect other Shamans. They can be identified by their light radius.
Foul Crow - This Act II flying monster appears in both in the wilderness and crypts, and could be potentially dangerous. It appears to occur in small packs, and seems agile as well as versatile.
Golem - While not a creature you will fight, the Golem is a construct created by the magics of the dark Necromancer character class. The Golem fights for a Necromancer, protecting him from harm while battling his enemies. There are four types of Golems: Clay Golems, Blood Golems, Iron Golems, and powerful Fire Golems.
Greater Mummy - The Greater Mummy, a tall monster from Act II, is as fierce as they come. Armed with a sickle-like appendage for a left arm, you know that he will be using this implement to instill fear and cause pain. The Greater Mummy also has two other attacks in his retinue: a poison cloud that he can breath out and a strange projectile weapon. Greater Mummies are loners, so you probably won´t encounter more than one at a time, though we have seen up to two of these beasts attack in tandem with deadly results.
Sand Maggot - Sand Maggots are Act II creatures capable of burrowing in the sands to escape detection. They attack with their pincers very quickly, and travel in large swarms. Most insidious, the Sand Maggots are capable of laying eggs that hatch into frightening Sand Maggot Young that can attack rapidly. The young look like miniature Sand Maggots themselves.
Skeletons - One of the few creatures returning from the original Diablo, skeletons are undead warriors animated by their hate for the living. The typical skeleton will usually appear accompanied by a regiment of skeletons, and there are numerous sub-types of skeletons, all with different immunities to some magics and many with greater strength than those in the earlier levels.
"Swamp Mosquito" - The Swamp Mosquito is a placeholder name for a flying, insect-like creature you will be encountering in the wet jungles of Act III. They seem to enjoy swarm tactics, and will probably have a weak but fast attack.
Thorned Hulk - These gargantuan beasts are called the Thorned Hulks, and they definitely look the part. Much larger than even the Barbarian, the Thorned Hulk will probably have several powerful attacks, and perhaps even a projectile attack in reserve. Fortunately, as with most of the other large monsters, the Thorned Hulk will most likely be a loner, not given to pack hunting. In numbers though, they could prove deadly.
Zakarum Zealot - These erstwhile individuals seem deadset against you as you travel through Act III. By the name they seem to be adherents of the Religion of Light, the Zakarum. Perhaps the evil at the heart of Kurast has corrupted their holiness, or perhaps they are only misdirected. It remains to be seen the reason that these eremites are set against you.
Zombie - The zombie is one of the creatures that will be returning from the original Diablo. Possessing great strength, the Zombie is set back by its rather slow speed. Like Skeletons, you can expect to find this creature in large packs, usually led by an NPC who may grant his followers magical resistance. There will be several types of the undead, interspersed throughout the game.
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