Bill Roper Bio
Some facts about Bill Roper:
Age: 34
Nationality: American
Residence: Long Beach, California
Profession: Game Developer
Education: Musician
Motto: Do I have time for this? No! Will I do it anyway? Yes!
Game Development History:
1994 -- Blackthorne
1994 -- WarCraft
1995 -- WarCraft 2
1996 -- WarCraft 2 Addon
1997 -- Diablo
1998 -- StarCraft
1998 -- StarCraft Brood War
10 Questions
1st computer game -- The text adventure Zork by Infocom.
Three games he'd take with him on a lonely island -- Everquest, Acrophobia, StarCraft Brood War.
Game that has disappointed him the most -- Battlecruiser 3000.
Game that he's waiting for ATM -- Team Fortress 2.
Favorite TV series -- Babylon 5, Hillstreet Blues, Alien Nation.
Favorite band -- Barenaked Ladies.
Favorite food -- Cherry cheese-cake.
Favourite website --
Best day in life -- He won a singing contest in college.
Contents of his refrigerator -- Nearly nothing, he's been travelling a lot in the last days/weeks.
GS: Exact job at Blizzard?
Bill: Official title is "Director of 3rd Party Development", but "the guy for everything" would suit it better. [He gives some examples] In short: If something has to be done I'm volunteering to do it.
GS: Havas Interactive, any changes since Blizzard has been acquired bythem?
Bill: We were lucky and, because of our reputation as effective [efficient would be correct here, but that's what GameStar wrote/Bill told them] game developers, we haven't been bothered.
GS: Secret of Blizzard's success?
Bill: We only hire people who are hardcore gamers, we haven't made one game yet because some marketing guy told them that genre would sell good at the moment.
GS: Opinion on WarCraft Adventures?
Bill: I've been the producer, it was a hard decision, but the game just didn't meet our quality standards.
GS: Will adventures become popular again, like they were in the past?
Bill: Adventures could become more popular if there will be some serious innovations. [He gives the example of RTS games and RPGs (Diablo?)]
GS: Dream project if personal time and funds weren't limited?
Bill: Realistic, gigantic multiplayer world with a continuing story, I. E. some sort of virtual universe with hundreds of people from all over the world.
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