Focus on Specialized Fansites
Ever get tired of the endless barrage of new Diablo II news and info sites? It seems like another site like this is developed every day, sites that are essentially the same crowding the entire Community out. With this article I would like to talk about specialized fansites, those rare sites that focus upon a single aspect of Diablo II, be it monsters, items, spells, or characters. These sites can sometimes be the most overlooked places, but they are a wealth of knowledge unto themselves, and some of the best sites in the entire Diablo II Community.
Here I will talk about a few of the specialized Diablo II sites, the ones that seem to have the most clout in the Community. First off...
Diablo II Darkness:
The Diablo II Darkness is a fansite specializing in the area of monsters, which it does with a profiency that boggles the mind. Every monster that had ever popped up its loathsome head in a preview, movie, or screenshot is lovingly archived in their Beastiary. The site is maintained by Scorch, who is currently seeking some help on the site. Anyone interested in working at Diablo II Darkness, click here.
The core of this site is their Beastiary, done in a very intuitive interface of frames. The amount of information cached here is enormous, and anyone seeking to gain an upperhand in the fight against Diablo's fearsome minions should study up at the Diablo II Darkness beforehand.
Alternet's Diablo II Crypt:
This site, maintained by Smoke and MirrorZ, is a tome containing all the knowledge about the spells and skills of the characters in Diablo II. The site, while relatively new to the scene, has a wonderful, eye-catching layout and a well-designed system of storing info. The Diablo II Crypt is divided up into sections, each one devoted to a certain character's skills.
If you're planning to play any character in Diablo II, the Diablo II Crypt can help you with skill choices and the like. I know that I'll be continuously checking the Diablo II Crypt for updates on the Necromancer, who happens to be my character of choice. I suggest you do the same, regardless on what character you plan on using.
The Diablo II Armory:
A newcomer to the Community, the Diablo II Armory is a specialized fansite of fierce promise. The site is maintained by Coke, and it just in its infant stages as news about Diablo II's items and equipment in sketchy and vague. I'm sure that with more information, the Diablo II Armory will grow into a wonderful addition to the Community.
Right now, the Diablo II Armory is getting on its feet, so it would be improper for me to review it in any real sense. But when it has more to see, you can bet I'll be back to give it the once-over again.
This concludes my article on specialized fansites in the Community. As always, send your questions or comments to me at These sites are the new gold, so pay each one a visit regularly.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
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