French Gameplay Movie Analysis
Person 1: Watch out guys, the heroes have returned. You'll have to play carefully if you want to survive 'cause they are much more vicious than before. Here's their techniques, when it's red and violent, it's a fire attack. The sorceress, she's a specialist in it. She'll kill you in seconds with it and nothing will save you.
Person 2: Chief, what do we do then?
Person 1: You attack first. They can also poison you with their green clouds and it's even worst 'cause you'll die a very suffering death, your mouth dribbling, your eyes out of their sockets and with scars all over your body. That's the favourite trick of the amazon.
Person 2: Chief, what do we do then?
Person 1: You stop breeding and you attack first. There's also the Paladin, he's a tough guy playing god. When he's here, all you'll see is lightning dropping on you and it's not 220.
Person 2: Chief, what do...
Person 1: You put your helmets on and you hit first. And finally, there's the ice attacks. I don't have any suggestions for you but to strike first 'cause if not, you'll have to wait all summer to get your colours back. Any questions?
Person 3: Where did they go? (showing the way point).
Strange conversation to be going on while playing Diablo II, but I suppose it works. It appears as though Person 1 is leading Person 2 though the game, with Person 3 behind them both just watching. The build of Diablo that they are playing doesn´t appear to be 3D-enhanced either, as there is no colored lighting and the effects seem less detailed. It doesn´t detract from the game like you expect it to, however.
We start off with the Necromancer descending the steps to Act II´s Sewer level, it is a quick glance at him as he only make it halfway down before a reach a transition. Then we are with the Sorceress, who is in front of Lut Gholien´s Palace area. She ascends the steps and is about the enter the Palace when there is a quick transition.
We are still with her, but now we appear to be deep inside the Harem level which is located inside the Palace itself. The Sorceress walks around in a lavish room before it cuts scenes again, this time with the Sorceress attacking several creatures with her Inferno spell. Two unidentified, flying creatures are flanking her while a Dung Soldier closes up the side. It is strange that black flecks of some material are thrown off whenever the creatures are damaged by the Inferno. Maybe this is burnt pieces of their flesh.
Another transition brings us to the Sorceress using Firewall on a small regiment of Burning Dead, although it kills one or two, as fitting it doesn´t seem to be very effective against these skeletons. A transition brings us to the Amazon in Act I, as she uses Fire Arrows against a basic Zombie. It takes only two of these arrows to effectively kill the Zombie, who upon death falls into two pieces.
Back with the Sorceress in the Harem, this time using Ice Blast against one Burning Dead and two unidentified, spider-like creatures. The Ice Blast doesn´t seem to be working well, either, as it only freezes them for a few seconds. The Burning Dead is frozen noticeably longer, but it is still a very short duration. Perhaps she has it at a low level. Three castings of it does kill the Burning Dead, however, so it apparently does damage as well.
In another level we have the Sorceress making tracks with her Blaze spell, showing off the ability in the darkness of one of Act II´s underground desert areas. One thing that caught my eye was a small, unidentified creature than ran past the Sorceress flailing its arms like it was attacking. Obviously this creature possessing some kind of charging attack, even though it misses with it.
Our next transition brings us back to the Amazon, this time in Act I. She is using her Poison Javelins against a Quill Rat. Though quite impressive, even in non 3D-enhanced gameplay, the Poison Javelins don´t appear to have much power, as two of them don´t successfully kill the Quill Rat. Perhaps this skill is at a low level, but the Quill Rat is one of the lowest power creatures in Act I.
Back with Sorceress, this time as she shows of her Nova spell as she takes out a flock of flying creatures. Unlike the Chinese Gameplay Movie, this time the Nova is back to its original blue color abd as devastating as ever. The Nova eliminates almost all of the pack of creatures, leaving only one alive. A follow-up Nova takes this one out as well, and also damages an approaching Dung Soldier.
We skip to the Necromancer as he enters Lut Gholein´s Tavern, which is the first-ever shot of the back of the Necromancer. I noticed the long, white hair right away, and even though it is a small detail it adds immensely to the character. Then we are back with the Amazon as she equips a helm and then a spear, showing us the component system at work. After this we skip and see her again as she prepares to do battle with a small group of Fallen. Without warning she fires an Exploding Arrow and brings death to the three Fallen. The icon in the corner probably warns that she is low on arrows, as we know there is presently no durability in Diablo II.
Now in the Caves area of Act I, we see the Amazon use her Immolation Arrow against a Zombie and watch as it dies in flames. Then we have the part which is probably the most interesting in the whole movie. We are still with the Amazon in Act I, but she is approaching a strange object that displays as a Waypoint.. Upon reaching it the Waypoint moves of its own accord, seemingly opening a portal. A small menu screen called Waypoints is opened up as well, but inside it says "No Game Waypoints Activated." Perhaps this was the way to travel between levels... quite interesting. Click here for a collage that shows the Waypoint in action.
Back into the fray, this time with the Amazon using her spear to attack a Zombie. I don´t if this one had already been damaged, but just after one hit it seems to fold. The final moments of the video show us the Amazon as she walks through the Rogue´s Encampment town of Act I, and we see a little of the ambient life in the form of chickens scraping for food among the tents of the town. A very good and informative movie, although the voice-overs were a little irritating. You´ll find this movie very worth your download time, just turn the volume off as you play it.
Darkk (WebMaster)
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