The Amazon
With the transition we find ourselves back with the Amazon, and back in Act I. This time the Amazon talks to Gheed, an NPC that acts as a weapon and item salesman in the Rogues' Encampment area. We also noted that two red buttons appear above the status bar, interestingly enough they are Level Up and New Skill. When the Amazon speaks to Gheed, his words appear in a medium-sized translucent black box.
The transition takes us to the Amazon battling a gorilla-like monster tentatively called the Gargantuan Beast. In addition, the automap is displayed during this fight, but at present it appears to be only half-done. I also noticed that when the Amazon was struck by the beast, the number 34 appeared in the box opposite the potion menu (see later Pics for a closer look). Apparently this box displays how much damage a hit causes. No idea what the bar directly above it does, though.
The Sorceress
Another transition brings us to the Sorceress, the scene opens with the cursor on her Chain Lightning skill. The skill icons shown in her quick bar are Throw, Normal Attack, and Kick. Others above those appear to be Lightning Bolt, Charged Bolt, Telekinesis, and an unidentified skill. She selects the Throw skill and proceeds to toss something at a Corrupted Rogue, no clue to what she might have thrown save that it didn't have any kind of visual effect. Then she attempts to physically attack the evil rogues, though weaponless she only punches at them. Bad move for a spellcaster...
Again I noticed the auto-map, and looking clearly at it I see that it looks very 3D. Perhaps it is a more visual one this time, drawing boundaries a little more realistically. A transition occurs and we are treated to the Sorceress using what I believe to be Charged Bolt on a variety of creatures such as Skeletons and Claw Vipers. Our next transition takes us to Lut Gholein, as the Sorceress enters a tavern (passing an NPC named Asthih on the way). This demonstrates more of the ceiling cutaway upon entering buildings.
The Amazon
We cut back to the Amazon in Act I again, still in the Rogue's Encampment. This time she talks to Gheed, but is more intent on buying things. We are shown the purchasing window, a window that resembles an inventory screen where weapons and items can be bought. Four buttons are at the bottom of the buying windows, the first is a left arrow, the next a diagonal up/right, following it is a diagonal down/left, then a right arrow, and finally a cancel button.
The items I noticed were a quiver containing 142 arrows that was 303 gold, a magical spear called King's Halberd (damage: 34-142, required strength: 85, max damage: +134%, min damage: + 157%, +31 to hit) that cost 154460 gold, a Long Bow (damage: 3-10, required dexterity: 25, required strength: 20) at 265 gold, an Axe (damage: 3-5, required dexterity: 20, required strength 30) at 470 gold, a item whose name appears to be Fire Maul (damage: 12-102, required strength: 50, max damage: +120%, min damage: +120%, +7 to hit) for 30968 gold, and lastly a Club (damage: 1-7) for 21 gold. Apparently combat and damage dynamics have changed in Diablo II, we'll keep you posted.
The Paladin
We return to the Paladin as he runs through the Act II desert, Sand Maggots hot on his heels. He pulls open his quick skills menu, showing us that he has Normal Attack, Kick, Throw, Blessing, Thorns, Holy Bolt, Pray, and oddly enough... Charged Bolt? This is odd, and this is definately one question I'll be asking at the next WebMaster's chat. He doesn't select a skill, however, going at some Claw Vipers with his bare fists.
The Sorceress
We return to the Sorceress, this time she enters Lut Gholein's Sewer level. Here, she uses her Lightning Bolts on some unassuming Claw Vipers (boy, they get picked on a lot in this video). The Lightning Bolt appears to be a straight line of Charged Bolt sized blasts.
Here, alas, the video ends with a scroll-down screen that gives the genre, creating company, and estimated date of release. If my limited German serves, the genre is Role-playing, the company of course is Blizzard, and the date of release is 3rd quarter 1999 (in consistency with Blizzard's announced time). We hope you've enjoyed our recap of the video, and I really must insist you download it for yourself if you are a Diablo II fanatic (like me). Adios!
- Darkk (WebMaster)
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