GEN4-PC Interview Translation
GEN4: Doesn't Diablo 2's first level look a lot like Diablo?
Bill Roper: That's on purpose! We thought that after 3 years of absence we had to progressively get players immersed in Diablo's ambience again, get them used to playing again and make then discover our universe's new features, as well as ease newcomers into it. From the second act on, real novelties will appear and I can promise you that Act Four is something you've never seen.
We did the same with the music: the composer is the same and the first melodies you're hearing were already in Diablo, then the tempo speeds up until you enter a totally different universe. That is true about the game too.
GEN4: How would you qualify the size of the maps?
Bill: On an average map, without meeting any enemy (which never will happen), it would take about twenty minutes to run from one side of the map to the other. Act One is four times larger than Diablo was and even will grow as the game progresses. Diablo 2 is going to ship on four CDs.
GEN4: Are you planning on a DVD version?
Bill: A DVD version will be out a little later, but we'll work on it only once our "polishing" work on the first version is finished. Same thing for a console version: our goal is to first release the game, we'll see about porting it to other platforms afterwards.
GEN4: You have been talking a lot about your willingness to prevent hacking on B.Net. Can you tell us more?
Bill: Hacking in Diablo spoiled the fun for many players connecting over the Internet. To prevent that from happening again, we will have a five person team charged with the task of watching the game permanently and countering any code, cheated weapons, or pumped up characters as soon as they appear.
GEN4: Can you begin/start a B.Net game on whatever Level/Act?
Bill: A two part answer here: You can't start a new game in an Act if you haven't finished the previous one. A player that has finished all Acts will be able to start wherever he wants without restriction.
GEN4: What Internet "follow-ups" do you intend to release to add long-term playability to the game?
Bill: We are definitely planning to progressively add new items and new creatures to the game, though we haven't decided what form they wil take yet.
GEN4: Will characters of the same class look alike on the screen?
Bill: At first yes. Quickly though, special items, of which there will be hundreds, will actually give the character wearing them an unique look. As there'll be hundreds of Uniques. All of the possible combinations will make look-alikes unlikely.
GEN4: What are you the most proud of in this new Diablo?
Bill: I think we achieved creating a new universe without forgetting to make it a real game. At no time will the players feel lost and you'd have to be dishonest to find the Quests repetitive. You're really going to have fun.
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