Liber Fictionarum
Something of an ambitious project, Liber Fictionarum is a compilation of stories covering the Diablo and Diablo II mythos. The stories go over each character in Diablo II, beginning with a Prologue by an enigmatic Vizjerei mage known as Rathandel. The second installation to the series will be for the Amazon, and follow through in the order of the pictures above. I don't really have a timed schedule for the stories, so I'll announce when each one is ready. Without further ado:
- The Origins Cycle -
"Part I - Prologue"
"Part II - The Amazon"
"Part III - The Barbarian"
"Part IV - The Necromancer"
"Part V - The Paladin"
"Part VI - The Sorceress"
"Part VII - Epilogue"
This new set of stories in the Liber Fictionarum deal with the hardships faced by an ancient brotherhood of mages known as the Vizjerei. It will run six parts in a loose narrative of events that will trace the history of the Vizjerei and shed a little light on the secretive Order of Horadrim.
- The Magus Cycle -
"Part I - The Return"
"Part II - The Mage´s School"
"Part III - The Betrayal"
"Part IV - Emissaries of Night"
"Part V - The Dark Council"
"Part VI - The Trial of the Necromancers"
- Coming Soon: The Fanfic Archive -
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