Paladin Gameplay Video Analysis
The Paladin Gameplay Video was a fascinating look into the way that the Paladin plays in Diablo II. It starts off with the Paladin traipsing around in Lut Gholein´s tavern. It gives us an excellent look at the cutoff view whenever a character enters a building. After this it shows the Paladin entering the doorway into the sewer level of Act II.
Next, we are treated to the Paladin knocking some of the undead (called a Dried Corpse) in that level senseless with what I presume to Holy Bolt. It has the same icon for the spell, but a very different graphic. It´s worth note to say the Paladin makes use of this spell while he has his Thorn aura up, meaning that auras have a duration no matter what you do in the meantime.
The transition flows from there to show the Paladin walking around in his Resist Fire aura, complete with animation effects. The auras look spectacular in use. Then the Paladin enters the town of Lut Gholein for a moment, then descends back into the dungeons via a trap door on the ground. After this there is a transition and the Paladin is attacking two unknown monsters with an equally unknown skill. It appears to be some kind of combat enhancement that makes his strikes do lightning damage.
After this brief combat the Paladin is immured in combat once again, this time with two of the "Kitty Legionnaires." After examining the video for awhile, I surmised that the Paladin is most likely making use of one of his Shield Bash skills. The icon for the skill is apparently a shield with a fist on it. The Shield Bash demonstrates the ability to knock the "Kitty Legionnaires" back pretty far. It is also worth notice that these creatures do not die in this clip, they´re quite tough.
Then we are transferred to an Act I dungeon where the Paladin casts a Thorn aura about him, then proceeds to kill some Thorn Beasts (perhaps a more powerful version of the Quill Rat). Afterwards, he are taken to a scene where the Paladin confronts what appears to be some "Bigheads." He has his Resist Lightning aura up (which is similar to the Resist Fire aura, but of a different color), meaning that perhaps these "Bigheads" make use of lightning as an attack.
When he is finished slaying both "Bigheads," the scene transfers over to him walking around in the same Act I dungeon. The Paladin know has his Resist Cold aura up, it´s look similar to the others but blue in color. He walks up to a Fascinating Shrine, which appears as a pedestal full of blood, and partakes of it before being attacked again.
Next the Paladin is embroiled in combat with a Fallen One Shaman who is pelting him with what I presume to be Firebolts. The Paladin kills one of the Shaman´s brethren, which is quickly ressurected by the Shaman´s magic, before attacking the Shaman itself. After slaying the Shaman, the Paladin kills the other Fallen One again, this time permanently.
There is a transition and we are treated to the Paladin using his Sanctuary aura to ward off some zombies. The aura appears as a blue and white circle that springs out quite a bit around him. The Sanctuary repels the zombies, but some of them do cross its barrier. Perhaps this Paladin has the aura at a low level. The Sanctuary lasts but a few moments and apparently consumes a lot of mana when cast.
The flaming Diablo II logo brings this video to a close. It gives us a good insight into what it will be like to play the Paladin in the game. Although I can only speak for myself, it doesn´t really whet my anxiousness for the game to be done. Truth be told, it heightens it... any more teasers like this and I think I´ll go mad from anticipation. The next Gameplay Video will be out next month, but we don´t know which character is will focus on (my bet is on the Sorceress).
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