PCPlayer Movie Analysis

The PC Player movie, though a little short (2:21 minutes), is a great look into the Sorceress and even has a few scenes featuring the Necromancer.  The video, despite its size, is easily worth the download time as it shows us some footage which has not before now been seen.  This video is also the first time we´ve ever seen the Necromancer in any action and not just wandering around for a few, scant seconds.

It begins with the Sorceress standing in Lut Gholein near an unknown NPC.  After a few seconds the Sorceress wanders off and walks around the Lut Gholein proper.  There is a transition following this and the Sorceress ends up on the steps of the Palace that she soon enters, giving us another good look at the cutoff as a character enters a building.  We are quite sure that the NPC on the stairs with her is Lord Jerhyn, who is the rightful ruler of Lut Gholein.

Then the Sorceress descends into the Harem, which lies at the bottom of the spiral staircase at the Palace´s foyer.  There is a quick transition and we are rewarded with the Sorceress using her Firewall spell.  As always the spell is graphically fantastic, and even though it´s nothing really new it is always nice to see. 

There is a quick transition and we are treated with our first good look at the Blaze spell.  We know the effect of the spell, but it is another thing to see it in action.  It´s a great way to really see how the true 360 degrees of movement work.  Diablo II uses this instead of the old eight paths of movement in Diablo, this allows you to truly go anywhere, even in actual circles.  This is demonstrated by the path the Sorceress takes while under the effect of Blaze.

The next transition brings us to the Sorceress using Nova, the area effect lightning spell.  Nova creates two rings of lightning spheres that spread outward from the Sorceress at high speeds.  When the spheres strike a target it does lightning damage.  It is worth noting that the Nova spell travels through all physical boundaries, even through walls.  The graphics are equally impressive.

A transition brings us to the Sorceress using Ice Blast on several advancing skeletons.  The Ice Blast spell is an area effect spell that freezes everything in its range.  It works quite well, freezing the three skeletons in their collective tracks.  However, the spell didn´t seem to last very long, quickly fading after perhaps five seconds.  But then again, this particular Sorceress´s Ice Blast spell might have been of a low level.

The next spell the Sorceress uses is her most powerful fire spell, Meteor.  This spell calls down a meteor from the heavens, striking down its targets in blaze of fire.  The Meteor also leaves several bursts of flame going with Firewall-like intensity.  Even at low levels the Meteor spell is very damaging, and in this instance it neatly slays the opposition. 

We have a transition and find the Sorceress exploring her various skill trees.  It really doesn´t stay on any tree for long enough to view it, but seeing them is always nice.  In a change from most screenshots, this movie does show the icons for spell masteries.  Previous screenshots didn´t show these icons for some reason, perhaps there weren´t quite finished.

While the Fire Spells skill tree is still open there is a transition to the Necromancer´s Poison and Bone skill tree.  As with screenshot #142 the skill icons represented here are mostly placeholders for the ones he will actually have.  One odd thing of note is that the icon at the very bottom of the middle row appears to be similar to the one for the weapon and armor repair skill in the original Diablo.  Other character´s skill icons are strewn thoughout this skill tree.

There is a transition and the Necromancer selects a placeholder icon for one of his Golem spells.  As a pack of flying creatures approach he casts the spell and, lo and behold, a Gargantuan Beast appears.  This monster is the placeholder for the actual Golem graphic, and in the E3 build of the game the Necromancer actually did have real Golems.

The next transition brings us to the arid desert with the Necromancer running out of Stamina while being chased by voracious Sand Maggots.  The Necromancer has his Bone Armor spell up, protecting him from harm.  Several creatures, including a smaller pack of the flying creatures and a Dung Soldier or two.  Even though he is attacked several times, his Bone Armor spell keeps him from taking any damage.

Alas, it is hear that the game footage ends.  We are show a screen with Bill Roper sitting at a table signing a poster for his German interviewers.  He looks tired but still energetic from seeing Diablo II in action once again.  And that´s it for this video analysis, if you feel we´ve left something out or would like to add something, please feel free to email us.



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Skill of the Week

Iron Maiden
Harkening back to an inquisitional torture, the Iron Maiden curse causes all damage an enemy does to you to be returned to that enemy as well.  Part of the Necromancer´s
Curses, it is a powerful addition to his arsenal.

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