These screenshots span from the earliest builds of Diablo II to the newest 3dfx-enhanced shots. This section will be expanded nearly every week, so keep checking back for additions to our screenshots.
Amazon with Enchanted Sword... (8/2)
Screenshot #2: Amazon versus Corrupted Rogues... (8/2)
Screenshot #3: Amazon at the "Dark Altar"... (8/2)
Screenshot #4: Skeletons and Corrupted Rogues... (8/2)
Screenshot #5: Amazon at the Monastery... (8/2)
Screenshot #6: Magic-using Fallen Ones... (8/2)
Screenshot #7: Amazon at "Stonehenge"... (8/2)
Screenshot #8: Amazon fights with scythe... (8/2)
Screenshot #9: Amazon fires flame arrows... (8/2)
Screenshot #10: Fighting in the Crypt... (8/2)
Screenshot #11: Flame arrows... (8/2)
Screenshot #12: The Crypt's Mural... (8/2)
Screenshot #13: Amazon with double-headed Mace... (8/2)
Screenshot #14: "Dark Altar", different view... (8/2)
Screenshot #15: An unknown entrance... (8/2)
Screenshot #16: The Amazon's bow is almost gone... (8/2)
Screenshot #17: Zombie attack... (8/2)
Screenshot #18: Entrance to the Rogue's Jail... (8/8)
Screenshot #19: The Torture Chamber... (8/8)
Screenshot #20: Four corrupted Rogues... (8/8)
Screenshot #21: Battle with Andariel... (8/8)
Screenshot #22: Foyer of the Monastery... (8/8)
Screenshot #23: The Rogue's Barracks... (8/8)
Screenshot #24: Amazon vs. corrupted Rogues... (8/8)
Screenshot #25: Looking at the Mural... (8/8)
Screenshot #26: Zombies dance in Tristram... (8/14)
Screenshot #27: Iron bars and gates... (8/14)
Screenshot #28: Exploring the Catacombs... (8/14)
Screenshot #29: Battles at the Gate... (8/14)
Screenshot #30: Scenes of Death... (8/14)
Screenshot #31: Fighting within "Stonehenge"... (8/14)
Screenshot #32: The Main Gate... (8/14)
Screenshot #33: Town Portal at the Library... (8/14)
Screenshot #34: Rogues on Spikes... (8/14)
Screenshot #35: Amazon casts a spell... (9/8)
Screenshot #36: At the throne of Andariel... (9/8)
Screenshot #37: The Sorceress stands in Lut Gholein... (10/7)
Screenshot #38: The Sorceress uses "Blaze"... (10/7)
Screenshot #39: The Sorceress casts what looks to be "Inferno"... (10/7)
Screenshot #40: The Paladin uses an aura... (10/7)
Screenshot #41: The Paladin stands in Lut Gholein... (10/7)
Screenshot #42: The Sorceress uses a "Fire Wall"... (10/9)
Screenshot #43: Running out of Lightning Javelins... (10/9)
Screenshot #44: Paladin and Sorceress tagteam... (10/25)
Screenshot #45: Amazon and Sorceress tagteam... (10/25))
Screenshot #46: The Amazon uses some special attack... (11/4)
Screenshot #47: The Amazon fires Flame Arrows at some skeletons... (11/4)
Screenshot #48: A Desert Cliff... (11/4)
Screenshot #49: The Paladin is attacked by a Fallen One Shaman... (11/4)
Screenshot #50: We see a Lut Gholien dock... (11/4)
Screenshot #51: The Paladin defends himself with magic... (11/4)
Screenshot #52: The Sorceress "Blazes" past some Corrupted Rogues... (11/4)
Screenshot #53: Zombies get a taste of the Sorceress's "Inferno"... (11/4)
Screenshot #54: A Sorceress makes use of some lightning attack... (11/4)
Screenshot #55: The Sorceress is caught in a tight place... (11/12)
Screenshot #56: A Paladin battles a lone Blunderbore... (11/12)
Screenshot #57: A regiment of skeletons led by a Blunderbore... (11/18)
Screenshot #58: The Paladin makes use of an icy aura... (11/18)
Screenshot #59: The Sorceress unleashes the new Charged Bolt... (11/18)
Screenshot #60: A Sorceress unleashes her fire spells... (12/10)
Screenshot #61: Our first glimpse of the Necromancer... (12/10)
Screenshot #62: The Paladin explores some kind of tavern... (12/10)
Screenshot #63: Our first look at the Sorceress's Glacial Spike... (12/10)
Screenshot #64: The Sorceress blasts a zombie with a Fireball... (12/16)
Screenshot #65: Inside one of Lut Gholien's opulent castles... (12/16)
Screenshot #66: The Amazon is cornered by Vipers... (12/16)
Screenshot #67: The Necromancer walks among the graves... (12/16)
Screenshot #68: The Soreress checks her inventory... (1/30)
Screenshot #69: Firewalls light up the scene... (1/30)
Screenshot #70: A ring of Fireballs... (1/30)
Screenshot #71: The Amazon in a Lut Gholein tavern... (1/30)
Screenshot #72: The Paladin, sword in hand, explores the palace... (1/30)
Screenshot #73: The Inventory system in detail... (2/9)
Screenshot #74: The Paladin flanked by creatures... (2/9)
Screenshot #75: The Sorceress prepares a Meteor spell... (2/9)
Screenshot #76: The Sorceress summons a Meteor... (2/9)
Screenshot #77: Meteor lays the competion low... (2/9)
Screenshot #78: The explosion of the Meteor... (2/9)
Screenshot #79: Some zombies and a Necromancer's Scythe... (2/9)
Screenshot #80: And the Necromancer lays them low... (2/9)
Screenshot #81: The Amazon attacks with Ice Arrows... (2/9)
Screenshot #82: Some shots of the Necromancer... (2/9)
Screenshot #83: The Amazon squares off against skeletons... (2/16)
Screenshot #84: The Amazon dungeon crawling in a desert crypt... (2/16)
Screenshot #85: The Necromancer and an armored opponent... (2/16)
Screenshot #86: The Necromancer and three Dried Corpses... (2/16)
Screenshot #87: The Paladin and the NPC Warriv... (2/16)
Screenshot #88: The Paladin and another of Lut Gholein's NPCS... (2/16)
Screenshot #89: The Sorceress casts a fire spell... (2/16)
Screenshot #90: The Sorceress uses lightning on some enemies... (2/16)
Screenshot #91: Some shots from the Paladin Gameplay Video... (4/15)
Screenshot #92 More shots from the Paladin Gameplay Video... (4/15)
Screenshot #93: The Sorceress's Cold Spells Skill tree... (4/21)
Screenshot #94: The Sorceress's Fire Spells Skill tree... (4/21)
Screenshot #95: The Amazon battles a "Big Head"... (4/21)
Screenshot #96: The Amazon uses Eye of Zeus... (4/21)
Screenshot #97: The Amazon in Act II's Harem level... (4/21)
Screenshot #98: The Necromancer uses an unknown skill... (4/21)
Screenshot #99: The Sorceress uses "Firebolt"... (4/21)
Screenshot #100: Alone in the darkness... (4/21)
Screenshot #101: Amazon at the spiraling staircass... (4/21)
Screenshot #102: A Paladin explores the tavern... (4/21)
Screenshot #103: Our first glimpse of Act III... (4/21)
Screenshot #104: The Paladin uses Pray to heal himself... (4/21)
Screenshot #105: The Sorceress's Lightning Spells Skill tree... (4/21)
Screenshot #106: The Sorceress puts the heat on some enemies... (4/21)
Screenshot #107: A shot from an older Diablo II build... (4/21)
Screenshot #108: Another shot from an older Diablo II build... (4/21)
Screenshot #109: Shots from the Diablo II TV Interview... (4/22)
Screenshot #110: More shots from the Diablo II TV Interview... (4/22)
Screenshot #111: The Amazon stands in Lut Gholein... (4/25)
Screenshot #112: The Amazon from the PCAccelerator preview... (5/7)
Screenshot #113: The Barbarian from the PCAccelerator preview... (5/7)
Screenshot #114: More Barbarian from the PCAccelerator preview... (5/7)
Screenshot #115: The Necromancer from the PCAccelerator preview... (5/7)
Screenshot #116: The Paladin from the PCAccelerator preview... (5/7)
Screenshot #117: The Sorceress from the PCAccelerator preview... (5/7)
Screenshot #118: The Barbarian at some sort of teleporter... (5/7)
Screenshot #119: The Sorceress uses Ice Bolt... (5/7)
Screenshot #120: The Sorceress uses Frost Nova... (5/13)
Screenshot #121: The Barbarian facing Act II Skeletons... (5/13)
Screenshot #122: The Barbarian nears an obelisk... (5/13)
Screenshot #123: Our first look at a Barbarian skill tree... (5/13)
Screenshot #124: The Amazon mounts the steps to a temple... (5/13)
Screenshot #125: The Barbarian mounts the steps... (5/13)
Screenshot #126: A Necromancer in the jungle... (5/13)
Screenshot #127: The Paladin explores an Act III town... (5/13)
Screenshot #128: The Sorceress explores the town... (5/13)
Screenshot #129: The Barbarian nears a casket... (5/14)
Screenshot #130: In the halls of Andariel... (5/14)
Screenshot #131: The Barbarian lays into some skeletons... (5/14)
Screenshot #132: The Barbarian with two Rogue mercenaries... (5/14)
Screenshot #133: Mobbed by Corrupted Rogues... (5/14)
Screenshot #134: Barbarian levels up in Act III... (5/14)
Screenshot #135: The Barbarian searches out Act IIIīs village... (5/19)
Screenshot #136: The Barbarian at a stonework temple... (5/19)
Screenshot #137: The Barbarian runs from enemy magic-users... (5/19)
Screenshot #138: Three Claw Vipers closing in... (5/19)
Screenshot #139: The Barbarian faces Sand Maggots... (5/19)
Screenshot #140: A Collage of shots from the Gamestar movie... (6/2)
Screenshot #141: A Collage of better shots from the Gamestar movie... (6/2)
Screenshot #142: The Necromancerīs poison and bone skill tree... (6/2)
Screenshot #143: A Collage of shots from the E3 Cinematic... (6/16)
Screenshot #144: A Collage of shots depicting the Waypoint in action... (6/18)
Screenshot #145: At the Temple of the Bull... (6/30)
Screenshot #146: The Paladin stands in Act IIIīs jungles... (6/30)
Screenshot #147: The Amazon at Act IIIīs docks... (6/30)
Screenshot #148: The Necromancer uses an unknown skill... (8/3)
Screenshot #149: The Necromancer with Bone Armor and Golem... (8/3)
Screenshot #150: The Necromancer uses Poison Nova... (8/3)
Screenshot #151: The Barbarian in Act II with two magical axes... (8/3)
Screenshot #152: The Barbarian uses a War Cry... (8/3)
Screenshot #153: The Barbarian battles creatures in Act III... (8/3)
Screenshot #154: The Sorceress uses Meteor... (8/27)
Screenshot #155: A Sorceress and Amazon face monsters at the "Dark Altar"... (9/1)
Screenshot #156: Kashya speaks to an Amazon... (9/1)
Screenshot #157: The Sorceress prepares to Teleport... (9/1)
Screenshot #158: A Barbarian and his hireling named Karsi... (9/1)
Screenshot #159: A look at the Waypoint menu... (9/1)
Screenshot #160: The Sellerīs Menu and the Inventory Screen... (9/1)
Screenshot #161: A good look at the Automap... (9/1)
Screenshot #162: A good look at the Character screen... (9/1)
Screenshot #163: A good look at the Skill Tree... (9/1)
Screenshot #164: Hereīs what may look like... (9/1)
Screenshot #165: The Character Creation screen... (9/1)
Screenshot #166: The Paladin faces several unknown creatures... (9/1)
Screenshot #167: A Necromancer and his Golem battle Disfigured... (9/1)
Screenshot #168: An Amazon in the Caves checks her inventory... (9/6)
Screenshot #169: An Amazon at a Fire Shrine... (9/6)
Screenshot #170: A look at the Automap in Diablo II... (9/6)
Screenshot #171: The Barbarian flees from Zealots... (9/9)
Screenshot #172: Entering the Rogue Encampment... (9/9)
Screenshot #173: An automap layout of the Rogue Encampment... (9/9)
Screenshot #174: A Necromancerīs summoned help... (9/17)
Screenshot #175: An Amazon talks to Warriv... (9/17)
Screenshot #176: A Barbarian talks to Charsi... (9/17)
Screenshot #177: A Necromancer talks to Gheed... (9/17)
Screenshot #178: The mouth of the Den of Evil... (9/17)
Screenshot #179: An Amazon at the Circle of Stones... (9/17)
Screenshot #180: An Amazon battles Fallen... (9/17)
Screenshot #181: An Amazon uses her Lightning Javelins... (9/17)
Screenshot #182: A Barbarian at a Gem Shrine... (9/17)
Screenshot #183: A Barbarian in Lut Gholein... (9/17)
Screenshot #184: Skeletons and a Greater Mummy attack... (9/17)
Screenshot #185: A Sorceress blazes past some Vulture Demons... (9/17)
Screenshot #186: Things heat up in Act IIīs Harem... (9/17)
Screenshot #187: The Sorceress in Act IIIīs Kurast... (9/17)
Screenshot #188: At the Temple Steps... (9/17)
Screenshot #189: The Barbarian battles Frog Demons... (9/17)
Screenshot #190: The Paladin stands at the entrance to a tomb... (9/17)
Screenshot #191: The Paladin and the Tree of Inifuss... (9/17)
Screenshot #192: The Sorceress blazes past the opposition... (9/17)
Screenshot #193: The Sorceress stands guard... (9/17)
Screenshot #194: The Paladin uses Holy Fire... (9/24)
Screenshot #195: The Barbarian vs. Act I creatures... (10/19)
Screenshot #196: The Amazon takes on a Fallen army... (10/19)
Screenshot #197: A Necromancerīs Clay Golem... (10/19)
Screenshot #198: The Amazonīs Bow and Crossbow skills... (10/19)
Screenshot #199: The Amazonīs Passive and Magic skills... (10/19)
Screenshot #200: The Amazonīs Javelin and Spear skills... (10/19)
Screenshot #201: The beautiful effect of a Plague Javelin... (10/19)
Screenshot #202: The Amazon in Act IIīs crypts... (10/19)
Screenshot #203: The Paladin uses the Thorns Aura... (10/20)
Screenshot #204: The Paladin in town and selected... (10/20)
Screenshot #205: The Paladin takes on enemies with Holy Flames... (10/20)
Screenshot #206: The Paladinīs Defensive Auras... (10/20)
Screenshot #207: The Paladinīs Offensive Auras... (10/20)
Screenshot #208: The Paladinīs Combat skills... (10/20)
Screenshot #209: The Sorceress uses Chill Blood... (10/21)
Screenshot #210: This is the Cold Spells skill tree... (10/21)
Screenshot #211: This is the Fire Spells skill tree... (10/21)
Screenshot #212: The Sorceres uses what could be Glacial Spike... (10/21)
Screenshot #213: Corrupted Rogues get a taste of Lightning... (10/21)
Screenshot #214: This is the Lightning Spells skill tree... (10/21)
Screenshot #215: This is the Barbarianīs Combat Skills... (10/22)
Screenshot #216: This is the Barbarianīs Combat Masteries... (10/22)
Screenshot #217: This is the Barbarianīs War Cries... (10/22)
Screenshot #218: The Barbarian in mid-Leap... (10/22)
Screenshot #219: The Barbarian Shouts... (10/22)
Screenshot #220: Wraiths assail the Barbarian in Act II... (10/22)
Screenshot #221: The Necromancerīs Summoning and Control skills... (10/25)
Screenshot #222: The Necromancerīs Poison and Bone skills... (10/25)
Screenshot #223: The Necromancerīs Curse skills... (10/25)
Screenshot #224: The Necromancer summons a Clay Golem... (10/25)
Screenshot #225: Teeth present a problem for this monster... (10/25)
Screenshot #226: Making things easy with the Weaken curse... (10/25)
Screenshot #227: This Amazonīs sword is going down... (11/16)
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