"Kavak knew you were a weakling and a coward when he and his heretics left us, after all, you did betray him to the council."
"And what did I get for it? Exiled!"
"You got what you deserved, Sithian, never trust a turncoat."
"Watch your tongue, Lord Maerhyn. You're not in any condition to defend yourself from someone with my power."
"I am!" Tariel challenged.
"Oh, please. Tell your little mouse he doesn't stand a chance."
"I would tread careful, Sithian, there are many people who want your head… some of them have less restraint than I do. Be gone, heretic… trouble me and mine no more."
"Old man… you try my patience."
"Be gone, heretic and exiled of the Zharish Covenant, Necromancer and owner of the darkest Bourne!"
There was a more intense flash of light as a lance of sharp bone appeared in the air before Sithian. In an instant the Bone Spear shot through the air at incredible speed, piercing Maerhyn's chest and lodging itself there. The old man fell back, his hands clutching the spear as blood poured from the wound in gushing rivers.
"Damn you!" Tariel shouted as he took his spellcasting pose. In a matter of moments a huge Fireball launched from his outspread fingers towards Sithian. The Necromancer dodged quickly, but he could still feel the searing flames as it struck a tree and exploded.
The Necromancer called forth a Clay Golem and directed it at Tariel, the menacing construct lumbered towards him with its huge hands ready to bear down on him.
"Won't you fight me yourself, coward?" Tariel shouted as he sent ten Firebolts at the Golem, taking it down. Sithian was nowhere to be seen. "Are you that much of a coward?"
But the Necromancer had gone somehow. Tariel bent down to help the wounded Maerhyn.
"Are you okay?" he asked as he put his arms about the old man.
"No… the wound is mortal… I won't live…"
"No, you can't die… you can't…"
"We all die… in time… and it is now my time…"
"No… it is my time… I accept it…"
"Then I will avenge you, instructor… I promise."
"Revenge is a road with no ending… save Hell itself. Forgive Sithian in his ignorance."
"I cannot do that… he must pay for this."
"Tariel… would you defy me now that I cannot right you? You must… do what you feel is right…"
"I will avenge you." Tariel's face hardened with hate.
"Then… I… shall pray for you… from the wherever… I may go." Then Maerhyn reached up and begged for Tariel's ear and Tariel kneeled to hear him. Maerhyn spoke the words that all Vizjerei speak if able upon their death. He spoke his act of contrition, and then died peacefully on the parade grounds of the School he had loved too much to leave. Tears stood out on young Tariel's face, glittering harshly in the setting sun.
"I swear by all the angels, I will avenge you…"
The commotion had drawn all the other students out of the halls; they came running towards Tariel and Maerhyn in a panicked confusion. Of all of them, Aliandra ran quickest.
"Tariel, what's happened? Oh God, what's happened?"
She approached slowly once she saw Maerhyn on the ground, the bone spear protruding from the bloody ruin of his chest. She shivered like a crystal on the threshold of shattering.
"Oh no… oh please no…" she gave a breathy whisper.
"He's dead… a man named Sithian did this…" Tariel said as he stood up.
Aliandra reacted as though she hadn't heard Tariel at all.
"Oh please… please no…" tears were beginning to stream from her eyes.
Tariel took Aliandra in his arms and held her as the tears began to truly flow, she fell upon him with the force of her remorse. The knot of the crowd drew around Tariel, Maerhyn, and her, most of them crying themselves. That night Maerhyn was buried in the old cemetery at the back of the School, near the Bracewood Forest. The students and instructors held a mournful wake that lasted all of the night, vigilantly watching for any return of the man who had dealt his death. When the morning came they all returned to their chores and lessons, the day dimmed by the death of the School Master and High Instructor. Tariel sat in the room that had been his only home for the past eight years, brooding and contemplating revenge. As he was preparing his bag for travel, Aliandra came into the initiate's rooms.
"Tariel, where are you going?" she asked.
"To find Sithian and kill him." He answered flatly.
"But Tariel…"
"No, he will die for this, I'll find him and kill him, make him suffer." His eyes shone with glittery hatred.
"Tariel, I know how much you loved Maerhyn, we all loved him with all of our hearts. But you can't recant the entire Code for the sake of…"
"He was more than just a man, he was like a father to me! He was the only father I ever had! And now he's dead because that bastard son of a whore killed him!" Tariel slammed his fist into on the pillar-supports.
"Tariel, please… you scaring me…"
"Look, Aliandra, I have to do this… for Maerhyn, for myself, for everyone. Maerhyn said that Sithian was some kind of mage called a Necromancer, and that he and a bunch of these Necromancers are still around. Sithian knows where they all are, and after I get him I'll find the rest and report them to the Council."
"You promise me that you'll come back?" Aliandra stepped closer.
"I promise, Aliandra."
"If anything happens to you…"
"Nothing will happen to me."
With that Tariel slung his pack across his shoulder and left the rooms, walking out the hall doors and out towards the low foothills. Aliandra watched him go, fear clenching her heart. She uttered a quick prayer for his safe return, crying as he disappeared into the midday sun.
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