Diablo II Dictionary
This Diablo II Dictionary is for those new to the Diablo and Diablo II Community. It covers several terms that veterans use on both forums and sites, some of which may be difficult to decipher for new players of these games. Listed below, in alphabetical order:
# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U
V - W - X - Y - Z
3dfx - A 3D API used in many 3D Video cards. It is also one of the two 3D API´s supported by Diablo II.
Act - Diablo II is split into four Acts, each one encompassing several different area and levels.
Adria - The witch NPC from the original Diablo. She sold potions, scrolls, and staves, and books.
Akara - The Rogue Priestess from Act I of Diablo II.
Alpha - A version of the game´s build before the Beta. An Alpha is the first workable prototype of any program.
Amazon - One of Diablo II´s five characters is the Amazon, a bow and javelin using character with many well-rounded skills.
Amulet - These pieces of equipment are work like necklaces and are almost always enchanted.
Andariel - The Demoness who is the Maiden of Anguish. Andariel is the final opponent in Act I.
Angel - Powerful beings that represent the side of Order and Good, opposed to Demons in the Diablo II mythos.
Archangel - Powerful lords among the Angels.
Armor - Raises your Defense Rating, making you harder to successfully hit.
Attack Rating - The amount of damage you deal.
Azmodan - One of the Lesser Evils, a Demon.
Baal - One of the three Greater Evils, Baal is the Lord of Destruction. He is rumored to be the final opponent in Act II.
Barbarian - One of Diablo II´s five characters is the Barbarian, a powerful melee-oriented character with skills to enhance his combat finesse.
Bartuc - The Warlord of Blood. Bartuc was the brother of Horazon the Summoner, he was corrupted by the Demons and eventually became a minion of them.
Battle.net - Blizzard´s premiere free multiplayer service. Battle.net is place where owners of WarCraft II: Battle.net Edition, StarCraft, Diablo, and Diablo II can play in a community environment.
Belial - One of the Lesser Evils, a Demon.
Belt - 1.) A new addition to equipment in Diablo II, Belts give you more room in the Potion Bar to hold herbs, potions, and scrolls. 2.) Another term for the Potion Bar.
Beta - A version of the game that will be tested by players to find bugs in the program and to test its stability. This is called a Beta Test.
Blizzard - The company responsible for the creation of Diablo and Diablo II, as well as many other great games.
Cain, Deckard - The Storyteller and identifier of items from the original Diablo. He will be returning in the first Act of Diablo II.
Charsi - Charsi is an NPC in Act I´s town, she serves as a blacksmith.
Clan - A word used interchangeably with Guild.
Closed Characters - Characters that are stored on Battle.net servers and are safe from hacking.
Clvl - Means character level, usually refers to the level you need to be to learn a certain skill.
Cold Resistance - This resistance judges how well you resist against Cold-based magic. The higher this number the less likely you are to be affected by Cold-based magic.
Convert - A Diablo II skill that all characters have. It allows pieces of monsters to be changed into useful items.
Damage - The among of damage you deal with a weapon or skill. Creatures can only take so much damage before they die. More powerful creatures can take more damage and stronger weapons deal more damage.
Defense Rating - This is the numerical amount of protection you have against attacks. The higher this number the harder it is to successfully attack you.
Demon - Powerful beings that represent the side of Chaos and Evil, opposed to Angels in the Diablo II mythos.
Dexterity - One of the four attributes in Diablo II. Dexterity rules how fast you can move and how agile you are. It is directly related to your Primary and Secondary Attack Ratings and your Defense Rating.
Diablo - 1.) One of three Greater Evils, Diablo is the Lord of Terror. He is the returning foe from the original Diablo , and the final opponent in Diablo II. 2.) The first game in the Diablo series.
Diablo II - The second game in the Diablo series.
Direct 3D - A 3D API that is presently not supported by Diablo II.
Disconnect - When you leave a server and stop sending information.
Dueling Arena - A new addition to Diablo II´s Battle.net, a subtype of game where people can fight head-to-head.
Duriel - One of the Lesser Evils, a Demon.
Enchanted - Enchanted items bear magical enhancements that give them added powers.
Energy - One of the four attributes in Diablo II. Energy rules how much Mana you have and may also effect the power of your character´s skills.
Equipment - Denotes items that you can equip such as Armor, Weapons, Rings, and Amulets.
Experience - The total amount of experience points you have accumulated on your journey.
Experience Points - These help you gain a new level of Experience.
Farnham - The town drunkard from the original Diablo.
Fire Resistance - This resistance judges how well you resist against Fire-based magic. The higher this number the less likely you are to be affected by Fire-based magic.
FMV - An acronym for full-motion video.
F/N/H - An abbreviation for Friendly/Neutral/Hostile, the three relationship settings in Diablo II.
FPS - An acronym for frames per second.
Frame Rate - The number of frames that can be displayed in sequence, usually measured in seconds. The higher your frame rate the smoother the motion is in a game.
Generator - A structure that respawns monsters.
Gheed - A merchant NPC in Act I of Diablo II.
Gillian - The waitress/barmaid NPC of the original Diablo.
Gold - Gold is the basic unit of wealth in Diablo and Diablo II.
Golem - A magically created creature that helps you attack your enemies. In Diablo, this magic belonged to the Sorcerer. In Diablo II, the Necromancer has Golem-creating skills.
GPOW - A common abbrieviation for Godly Plate of the Whale, powerful armor in the original Diablo.
Greater Evils - A term referring to the Demons Baal, Diablo, and Mephisto.
Griswold - The blacksmith from the original Diablo. He may be returning in Diablo II.
Guild - A collection of players that adventure together. Diablo II will feature support for Guilds.
Guild Hall - A subtype of game maintained by Battle.net where you and your fellow guild members can meet, trade, and store equipment and gold.
Hardcore - An option chosen at character creation that makes death permanent, meaning you only get one life.
Heaven - The abode of the Angels.
Hell - The abode of the Demons. Also the final level in the original Diablo and the setting for Act IV in Diablo II.
Hero, The - The original hero from Diablo who took the Soulstone and placed it within his own head to contain the spirit of Diablo. His attempt to overpower the Lord of Terror failed and he himself was possessed.
Hireling - An NPC that can be hired by a player to help with his or her adventures.
Horadrim, The - The Horadrim was a legendary collection of wizards who gained secrets from their Angel compatriots. They were responsible for the imprisoning of the Greater Evils.
Horazon the Summoner - An outcast Vizjerei mage who dabbled in the summoning arts and befriended Demons for a time.
IPX - A network protocol that allows for gaming over a network.
Inarius - An Angel whose vanity went before his common sense. He was captured by Mephisto and is held captive in Hell.
Inventory - The spaces below the equipment placement area where you can store items you´ve picked up along the way.
Jerhyn - The ruler of Lut Gholein. His castle is infested with creatures.
Kali - A very popular Internet gaming service.
Kashya - The commander of the Rogues, an NPC in Act I of Diablo II.
Khanduras - A forested kingdom once ruled by King Leoric.
KSOH - A common abreviation for King´s Sword of Haste, a powerful sword in the orignal Diablo.
Kurast - The setting of Act III and the birthplace of the religion of Light, called Zakarum.
Lachdannan - A warrior who was the captain of the guards in the kingdom of Khanduras.
Lag - A common slang term for bad latency to a server. Too much lag will cause you to be disconnected from the server.
Latency - A measure of the timing between the sending a request to an online server and then receiving a reply.
Lazarus - An Archbishop in the kingdom of Khanduras, he was corrupted by Diablo in the original game and served him until the Hero slayed him.
Leoric - Once the proud and honorable King of Khanduras, he was corrupted by Diablo and went insane. He was killed by his own captain of guards and became the Skeleton King upon his burial.
Level - Your level is an indicator of how powerful you are.
Level Cap - A limit on the number of levels you can achieve.
Life - The amount of Life you have is how much damage you can take before you are killed.
Lightning Resistance - This resistance judges how well you resist against Lightning-based magic. The higher this number the less likely you are to be affected by Lightning-based magic.
Lut Gholein - The desert city that will be your base of operations in Act II.
Magic - A power seemingly outside the bounds of the physical. In Diablo II magic is a loose distinction, as all powers are skills. However, in terms of the story, the Paladin, Necromancer, and Sorceress are considered Magic users.
Mana - The amount of Mana you have determines how much magic you can use. All skills take Mana to function, and when you are out of Mana you can no longer use your skills.
Melee - Hand-to-hand combat with your adversaries.
Mephisto - One of the three Greater Evils, Mephisto is the Lord of Hatred. He is rumored to be the final opponent in Act III.
Meschief - An NPC that takes you from Act II to Act III.
MK - An abbreviation for Monster Killer.
Monster Killer - A Monster Killer is a special type of Player Killer that weakens a victim so attacking monsters can finish him or her off. The player has a chance of losing his or her inventory, which the Player Killer will steal.
Necromancer - One of Diablo II´s five characters is the Necromancer, a powerful user of dark magics that can raise the dead and poison his foes.
Newbie - A slang term that Diablo and Diablo II veterans use to refer to people new to the game.
NPC - An abbreviation for Non-Player Character.
Non-Player Character - Any computer controlled character that is not a basic monster.
Ogden - The owner of the Tavern of the Rising Sun from the original Diablo.
Open Characters - Characters on Battle.net that are stored on your machine, and are therefore susceptible to hacking.
OpenGL - A 3D API used in many 3D Video cards. It is also one of the two 3D API´s supported by Diablo II.
Paladin - One of Diablo II´s five characters is the Paladin, a hybrid character that has skills that are magical and enhance his fighting prowess.
PC - An abbreviation for Player Character.
Pepin - An NPC from the original Diablo who sold potions and healed the injured.
Player Character - The person playing Diablo II.
Player Killer - A character who kills other players, usually under false pretenses.
Player Killer Killer - A character who takes it upon himself or herself to kill other Player Killers.
PK - An abbreviation for Player Killer.
PKK - An abbreviation for Player Killer Killer.
Poison Resistance - This resistance judges how well you resist against Poison-based magic. The higher this number the less likely you are to be affected by Poison-based magic.
Primary - Related to the primary skill selector, which is the skill mapped to the left mouse button.
Primary Attack Rating - Your chance to hit with your weapon in the primary slot.
Primary Skill Damage - The amount of damage you can do with your primary skill.
Quest - A Quest is special adventure given to you in the course of the game. Quests forward the plot, and many will give you special items or allow you special privileges upon completion.
Respawn - When monster or players reappear after death.
Rogue - 1.) A type of NPC in Act I of Diablo II that is also a hireling. 2.) One of the characters from the original Diablo, Rogues are also members of the Sisters of the Sightless Eye.
Rogue Encampment - Your base of operations in Act I.
Role-Playing Game - A game that stresses the adoption of an alternate role through an immerse gaming experience.
RPG - An acronym for role-playing game.
Secondary - Related to the secondary skill selector, which is the skill mapped to the right mouse button.
Secondary Attack Rating - Your chance to hit with your weapon in the secondary slot.
Secondary Skill Damage - The amount of damage you can do with your secondary skill.
Shrine - An object that effects a player for good or bad when activated.
Sisters of the Sightless Eye - The group to which Rogue´s belong.
Skill - The various powers each has character class has. Skills usually require mana to function and are mapped to mouse buttons.
Skill Tree - A chart of what skills you have learned and can learn.
Socketed - A Socketed item is an item that can have gems placed into it.
Sorcerer - One of the three characters from the original Diablo, the Sorcerer was the primary magic user.
Sorceress - One of Diablo II´s five characters is the Sorceress, a powerful magic user with elemental spells of Cold, Fire, and Lightning.
Soulstone - One of three powerful magic artifacts given to the Horadrim by the Angels, they were used to capture the Greater Evils.
SSOTW - An acronym for Screenshot of the Week.
Stamina - A new addition in Diablo II, Stamina is a measure of how long you can run.
Strength - One of the four attributes in Diablo II. Strength rules how strong you are and the damage you can do. It is directly related to your Primary and Secondary Skill Damage.
Tal Rasha - A famous Horadrim initate who decided to use the shattered Soutstone holding Baal upon himself, caging the Demon within his own soul.
TCP/IP - A common networking protocol, used by most people to connect to the Internet. It can also connect computers and servers in a network.
Town Portal - A spell in Diablo and Diablo II that returns you to a town from a dungeon or wilderness area.
Town Portal Killer - A specific type of PK who likes to fool victims into entering their Town Portal, which usually leads to many monsters that kill the character. The Town Portal Killer then collects any items the victim dropped upon death.
TP - A common abreviation for Town Portal.
TPK - An abbreviation for Town Portal Killer.
Tristram - The town from the original Diablo, also the capital city of Khanduras. It is know in ruins.
Tyrael - One of the mentioned Archangels, he founded the Horadrim.
UDP Packets - The method in which Diablo II send information across a network. If your connection to a network or the Internet cannot send UDP packets than you cannot play a multiplayer game.
Undead - Refers to creatures such as Skeletons, Zombies, and Mummies; monsters that are dead but animated.
Vizjerei - A group of mages operating out of the far east. The Vizjerei collect the lore of Demons and dispose of them as well.
Warrior - One of the three characters from the original Diablo, the Warrior was the primary melee fighter.
Warriv - An NPC in Act I that takes you to Act II on his caravan once you defeat Andariel.
Westmarch - A powerful nation that Khanduras when to war with during Leoric´s reign.
Wirt - An NPC from the original Diablo that sold magical equipment. He will be returning for a role in Diablo II.
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Zakarum - The Religion of Light, followed by the Paladins.
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