Back to the Barbarian, his situation not much improved. He seems to have killed all the Dung Soldiers, but he is still flanked by Sand Maggots. To make matters worse, a number of Hunters seems to be approaching as well. By now I'm sure everyone is feeling sympathy for him. We come back to the Sorceress using Firewalls to kill some creatures at the very corner of the screen, but unfortunately I can't tell what they might have been.
There is a quick cut and we join the Sorceress above ground, in the desert area of Act II. She is summoning a Meteor to combat two Dried Corpses, and the red glow in the area foretells where the Meteor will crash when summoned. One of the Dried Corpses survives two Meteor hits, and the third gets caught in the direct impact as the Sorceress chooses to wait until the last second to run. It is a very impressive and dangerous spell.
Coming back to Act I, we have the Paladin using what is probably his Blessed Hammer spell to kill a few skeletons. We don't know much about the Blessed Hammer spell, but it appears to be a more-powerful version of Holy Bolt. It might also be Holy Bolt with a new icon. The spell has a very nice sound effect accompanying it as well.
Still being harassed by Vampire Lords, our Necromancer appears to be at wit's end. After a moment or two he casts Corpse Explosion, killing nearly everything in the vicinity. The Corpse Explosion doesn't kill the Vampire Lords, but the Necromancer follows this up with a second application that spells their doom. The Corpse Explosion spell is very messy, leaving chunks of viscera and blood, but it is hellishly effective. This scene is followed by the Barbarian still walking around in Act III with no combat in sight.
Back to the Sorceress in the desert area of Act II, now using Blaze against several Hunters. She weaves a fiery corral around them and they follow her, perishing when they meet the flames of the spell. With the new free movement this spell works excellently, the Sorceress can weave a complex arrangement of traps with Blaze, as she is no longer limited to the eight paths of movements that Diablo offered. She successfully kills off all but one of the Hunters before the spell wears off.
Hooking back up with the Necromancer, now free of his Vampire Lord opposition. Now he is using Teeth against several of the Gray Fallen, with a lot better results. The Teeth spell seems to spread out until a certain point when they begin to fly in a straight pattern. It doesn't appear to be a very effective spell at a distance, but it is quite effective at close range combat.
Another shot of the Barbarian running around Act III, I've come to the point were I consider these sections to be a sort of intermission where I can take a breath after all that action. We cap off with the Sorceress again, this time using Nova against a lone Dung Soldier. It doesn't stand a chance at the spell rips through it and it dies with a high pitched squeal. The Nova spell once again has a yellow graphic, and this one appears to be its newer one after all.
Well, it was certainly an action-packed movie, and it showed a lot of spells and effects we hadn't seen up until now. There might be a few things I missed in this analysis, but you can be sure I'll go over it all again and fill in any blanks that might have been left. I hope you enjoyed the movie and the analysis, and if you have any questions, comments, or criticisms just let us know.
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