Gameplay Movie Analysis
We start off the with the Blizzard logo, telling us without words that we are in for a ride. Then the darkness lifts and we are shown the Barbarian in a pack of Hunters and Huntresses, the cat-like creatures we've seen in various screenshots and other movies. He's killed a few of them, but it looks like more are walking up and participating in the combat. Things look quite grim for the Barbarian at this point, but he keeps hacking at them in hopes of keeping them at bay.
This is followed by the Necromancer as he puts some distance between himself and the opposition, taking a moment to summon a Clay Golem. The Golem turns to fight the creatures when one of them casts a Meteor spell, which is one of the Sorceress's actual spells. Although the Necromancer is out of harm's way, the other monsters and his Golem are engulfed in flames.
There is a quick transition as we speed ahead to the Paladin using a spear to kill one of the orange Fallen. An approaching Zombie then gets kicked, the first time we've ever seen the Kick skill in use. The Paladin goes about it with a straightforward kick to the chest, knocking the Zombie back quite a distance.
Back with the Necromancer again, this time he is fighting off two Burning Dead skeletons with his scythe, all while standing amidst a Firewall spell. After killing the two skeletons he is chased by a Fireball spell cast by another creature, although fortunately he appears to be out of range of the spell. These spellcasting creatures (that we believe are called Vampire Lords) seem to have an affinity for fire-based magics, and have demonstrated proficiency with Firewall, Fireball, and Meteor already.
After this we join up with the Amazon in the Act I wilderness region as she makes her way through the forest with monsters always on her heels. There is no combat in this quick part. We come back to Act II, this time with the Sorceress in the Harem level. She uses her Firewall spell to close an opening in the wall some no creatures can come out without taking damage. She stands and waits until the Firewall spell expires.
Now we come to Act I again, this time with the Paladin. Flanked by two torches is the entrance to the Caves and the Paladin enters into them and begins to explore. We have a transition as we rejoin the Sorceress in the Harem, this time running through the maze-like place at high speeds. She encounters one of the Burning Dead and hits it with a Firebolt that doesn't seem to do much good.
We come back to the Necromancer, still about where he was before, but this time summoning several Clay Golems to deal with his opponents, which are the spellcasting Vampire Lords. The Necromancer summons three Golems this time; something we are unsure that he will be able to do in later builds. Back to the Barbarian, still surrounded, except this time it is Sand Maggots and Dung Soldiers that are flanking him. He is still hacking away, but the small mob around him is steadily thickening.
The Sorceress in the Harem level is dealing with a skeleton, using Lightning Bolt against it. Her first hit does a good amount of damage, yet she missed with second. She runs ahead a little bit and tosses another, but it doesn't kill the creature. Apparently this type of skeleton is resistant to lightning or her Lightning Bolt spell simply isn't high enough level to be effective.
Now equipped with her Lightning Strike skill, the Amazon dishes out some punishment to a Fallen. One hit with the spear and the skill kills the beast, and she runs towards a Zombie and does the same with similar effects. Then we come back to the Paladin in the Caves as he uses his sword to chop a Zombie in two, then proceeds to use his Smite skill to knock back a Fallen Shaman. With one dealt with he walks to the other and kills it with one attack.
We rejoin our Necromancer yet again, this time with Bone Armor equipped. He summons six Clay Golems to deal with the Vampire Lord that has been harassing him for awhile now. We cut to Act III, with the Barbarian simply walking around, sightseeing the level. After a moment of that we cut back to the Necromancer as he is still battling the Vampire Lords with his Golems and use of the Teeth spell. One of the Vampire Lords flees, apparently having soaked up too much damage to fight on. These things move frightfully quick.
Back to the Barbarian, this time still surrounded by the ever-increasing mob. Hunters have joined in with the Sand Maggots and Dung Soldiers, and the odds keep stacking against the Barbarian. As he kills one of the Sand Maggots about four more creep in and join the fray. Still in the Harem level, the Sorceress is surrounded by three skeletons and is using Static Field to try and get them away from her. These skeletons seem to be lightning resistant, as the sheer number of times she has cast the spell should have killed a normal skeleton. Fed up with the uselessness of that attack, the Sorceress switches to Firewall and lays them low, apparently they aren't resistant to fire.
The Amazon is still in Act I, this time using her Plague Javelin skill against some Fallen. This skill looks spectacular in play as it creates a trail of noxious, green-yellow gas and then a small explosion as it strikes its target. The trail stays for a moment before it dissolves; perhaps it retains its damaging potency even after casting. Regardless, the skill seems to be very effective, killing most things in one hit.
Then we join up with the Paladin in Act I, this time fighting some Corrupted Rogues in the wilderness. It is very impressive how they die, their souls seeming to escape from them once they are slain. They run to him very quickly, but one hit kills them easily. After this we come back to our Necromancer, still fighting one last Vampire Lord. He is using Teeth still, and has one Golem left. The Vampire Lord casts Firewall and kills the Golem, and then two skeletons rush up to challenge the Necromancer. He is about to fight them as a Meteor lands in their position and the Necromancer takes to his heels.
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