The Dueling Grounds
Our Dueling Grounds contains information on all the items and equipment we´ve been able to glean from various previews, screenshots, and movies. As we get more data you can expect this page to swell with new information, so keep checking to get a list of all the great treasures Diablo II has to offer. Known magical items are in italics, known relics are in italics and bolded. The updated sections in the following list below appear blue in color:
Axes | Bow/Crossbow | Clubs | Daggers | Maces | Mauls | Scythes
Spears | Staves | Swords | Wands | Belts | Bucklers | Caps/Helms
Mail | Shields | Soft Armors | Boots | Gloves | Rings\Amulets
Books | Gems | Herbs | Potions | Quivers | Scrolls
And a new addition to the listing: Sets.
Axes: The staple weapon for the Barbarian or Paladin, the Axe comes in various forms in Diablo II.
Bow/Crossbow: This is almost the sole domain of the Clubs: The basic wooden club, the melee weapon of choice for penniless beginners.
Daggers: Daggers will be in Diablo II, but may become more of a throwing weapon than anything.
Maces: A club-like weapon, the medieval Mace is a blunt, dangerous weapon.
Mauls: Club-like weapons, we have information on one type of Maul.
Scythes: These cruel, curved blades are deadly to any who weild them. Look for the Scythe to become the weapon of choice for the
Spears: Diablo II will have various spears, which are the domain of the Amazon. Spears can come as both a melee weapon and a thown weapon.
Staves: The Staff is both a melee weapon and a container for spells.
Swords: There will undoubtedly be several different types of swords, at present we know very few of them.
Wands: Strangely enough, Diablo II has wands as a basic weapon type.
*, +26 attack rating)
Belts: While belts mainly effect your potion bar space, they also grant armor benefits.
Caps/Helms: The headware of armor, the Cap/Helm is a necessity in any battle.
Shields: A few steps up from the Buckler, the Shield offers more protection.
Soft Armors: Soft Armor includes Leather armors as well as Quilted ones.
***, +20 AC)
Bucklers: There will be many types of Bucklers in Diablo II
Mail: A suit of Mail is often the last thing between an enemy´s blade and your character´s chest. The Sorceress and Necromancer probably won´t be able to use the heavier armors.
Full Plate Mail (AC: 68, required strength: 74)
Breastplate of Agranon (increases in power with other items of Agranon)
Loath Carapace (AC: 84, Durability: 45 of 50, Required Strength: 24, Required Level: 7, Poison Length reduced by 26%, Requirements: -20%, Enhanced** Armor Class, +1 to Mana, +7 to Hit Points)
Other Equipment:
Boots: We aren´t sure what Boots will do in the game, but we suspect it has something to do with movement.
Rings/Amulets: The magical equipment of Diablo II, there are presently no known details about Rings or Amulets in Diablo II.
Books: Although books are mainly storage for scrolls now, there may be some that are more than they seem.
Gems: Some items will be "socketable", meaning that certain gems can be placed onto them to boost their power and add other effects. Gems are classed from "Chipped" to "Perfect."
Potions: Diablo II will have many more types of potions than Diablo. We only know a few of them at the present time.
Quivers: Quivers contain varying amounts of arrows for Bows and Crossbows. A Quiver must be equipped with a Bow or Crossbow in order for the weapon to fire. Scrolls: Scrolls contain spells written upon them.
Shield: adds resistance to fire. Helm: adds to maximum life.)
Chipped Amethyst (Weapon: improves Attack Rating. Shield: improves Defense Rating. Helm: improves Strength attribute.)
Chipped Skull Gem (Weapon: steals life and mana.. Sheild: steals life and mana. Helm: regeneration to life and mana.)
Chipped Diamond (Weapon: adds 1-4 Lightning damage. Sheild: adds lightning resistance. Helm: unknown.)
Sets: These items usually have the same names and when collected become synergistic with one another, giving added benefits to the person who can find them all in a set. What parts of a set you have are displayed in the info a particular part of the set. Below are the few known sets.
** - Enhanced means that these itmes have unusually strong attibutes.
*** - Freezing for PC´s is no longer a part of Diablo II.
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