October´s News
- Darkk (WebMaster)
Happy Halloween, everybody! Put on your costumes and masks and make a night of it!
- The ShadowSpiral Staff
This time Bill Roper has met with GA-RPG to answer nine quick questions. While it is mostly a recao, there was a good question about a permenant friends/hostile list that Roper gave the playful "maybe" to. There were also some SSOTW´s on the side of the interview, which sums it up as a good review. You can read it here.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
Today Blizzard unveiled two enlarged shots for the Greater Mummy and Barbarian figures they are releasing. You can see these shots below:
Miscellaneous Pic #13:
The enlarged Barbarian shot...- Landarth (Newstracker)
You may have noticed that the 28th went by without an update to the news, and some of you expressed concern over it. No, ShadowSpiral Diablo II is not closing its doors, but rather experiencing a rebirth. We have been working full-swing on our new layout, reorganizing the site to make it easier to navigate and adding new items and such. We had so much of our database shuffled around it would have been useless to update anyway. Everything will pick back up as normal tomorrow, and the layout should be unveiled next week we hope.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
Bill Roper, clearly a busy man today, has had two new interviews with both Dr. TwisTer´s Diablo II Depot and Havengames.net. These interviews had a few pieces of new information, which have dutifully been added to our Compendium. You can see the one for Dr. TwisTer´s Diablo II Depot here and the one for Havengames.net here.
- Landarth (Newstracker)
The first in a series of Bill Roper Interviews is up over at Powergamerz. This interview doesn´t have any new information, but it does have one point of contest. Bill says that Diablo II doesn´t support Direct3D, but the new official FAQ says that it does. Tony Gervase replied to questions about this and confirmed that the current build of Diablo II does indeed support Direct3D. Apparently Mr. Roper was confused on this, but one mistake among all the good he´s done it excusable.
- Landarth (Newstracker)
A while back several people received an e-mail from a person (we´ll withhold the name and e-mail address) who claimed to have the beta or several copies of beta, and would part with them for $4000 dollars. This person has written a detailed letter to PCGameworld explaining that this was a harmless prank, and that forwarding the e-mail caused it to be distorted out or proportion. He apologizes for all the commotion this may have caused in a detailed letter you can see here.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
Havengames.net will be having an interview with Bill Roper tomorrow, but for now they are asking you all to send questions to ask him to tohle@havengames.net. Let´s do our best to learn all that we can with some original questions.
- Landarth (Newstracker)
We have got all the skill icons for the Necromancer up and posted, along with new descriptions for his skills gleaned from the Daily Radar previews. That finishes up the skills for our characters, but there will still be additions to this growing sections.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
A new Diablo II Ad has appeared in Computer Gaming World magazine, featuring a beautiful two-page speared that is markedly different from the others that have been run. Below is the comoputer scan for the ad, made by DiabloII.com.
Miscellaneous Pic #12:
The CGW 2-page spread...- Landarth (Newstracker)
Daily Radar announced that they wouldn´t be holding their contest for the Beta Tests for Diablo II until the end of this week, so they could be ran concurrently with Blizzard´s Beta offering. This also means that so far Daily Radar is the only site to be offering the Beta legitimately, so any other individual saying that they have a Beta to give away is lying and should be reported to Blizzard.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
The newest SSOTW features several things we´ve never seen before, including new monsters, a new setting in Act III, and several other things. You can see it below:
Screenshot of the Week #34:
The Amazon in the bowels of Act III...-
Darkk (WebMaster)The last in the series of Daily Radar previews has come out, this one over the austere Necromancer. It divulges some new info on his skills, which we will have up on the site tommorrow along with a complete listing of his skill icons. For now, you can see this preview here. We also have six new Sxreenshots, three new Rendered Shots, and a new sound file here and in Downloads:
Screenshot #221:
The Necromancer´s Summoning and Control skills...Rendered Shots:
Rendered Shot #72: The Necromancer in heavy armor and shield...
Rendered Shot #73: The Necromancer in mid-spellcasting...
Rendered Shot #74: The Necromancer in light armor with a mystic blade...
- Landarth (Newstracker)
An article has appeared on Gamespy that contrasts and compares the newest RPG/Action hybrids against one another. It focuses on Revenant, Darkstone, and of course Diablo II... and the winner in their eyes comes as no surprise to this site. You can see it here.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
The winner of a place in the Diablo II Beta Test in Svenska Diablo II´s contest is Mats Zakrisson of Klovsjo, Sweden. Congratulations are in order.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
The latest ShadowSpiral Diablo II Newsletter has been sent to all subscribers. If you have any problems with the newsletter or didn´t recieve your copy, please let us know so we can rectify the matter.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
Over at The Mushroom. a humorous news site, they´re running a joke about the length of Diablo II´s design time. It´s pretty funny, so if you´re still waiting out for the next Daily Radar preview for the Necromancer (which won´t be out till Monday), check in on some humor.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
Thanks to the newest Daily Radar previews, all skill icons for the Sorceress and Barbarian are now in place and ready to be viewed. This leaves only the Necromancer for what of skill icons, and we hope that today will bring that preview that many people have been waiting for.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
This time Daily Radar has unveiled the Barbarian, you can see his preview here. There´s also a new sound file you can hear in our Downloads section or directly here. Below are the new Screenshots and Rendered Shots:
Screenshot #215: This is the Barbarian´s Combat Skills...
Screenshot #216: This is the Barbarian´s Combat Masteries...
Screenshot #217: This is the Barbarian´s War Cries...
Screenshot #218: The Barbarian in mid-Leap...
Screenshot #219: The Barbarian Shouts...
Screenshot #220: Wraiths assail the Barbarian in Act II...
Here at the three Rendered Shots:
Rendered Shot #69: The Barbarian brandishes a poleaxe...
Rendered Shot #70: The Barbarian carries a mean-looking axe...
Rendered Shot #71: Barbarian with a hand-axe and small sword...
Darkk (WebMaster)This time Daily Radar has unveiled the Sorceress, you can see her preview here. There´s also a new sound file you can hear in our Downloads section or directly here. Below are the new Screenshots and Rendered Shots:
Screenshot #209: The Sorceress uses Chill Blood...
Screenshot #210: This is the Cold Spells skill tree...
Screenshot #211: This is the Fire Spells skill tree...
Screenshot #212: The Sorceres uses what could be Glacial Spike...
Screenshot #213: Corrupted Rogues get a taste of Lightning...
Screenshot #214: This is the Lightning Spells skill tree...
Here are the many Rendered Shots, oddly enough with some Paladin shots thrown in:
Rendered Shot #60: The Sorceress with a scimitar...
Rendered Shot #61: The Sorceress models in scalemail armor...
Rendered Shot #62: The Paladin with an awesome shield...
Rendered Shot #63: The Paladin in a decidedly Roman helm...
Rendered Shot #64: The Paladin in full plate with sheild and sword...
Rendered Shot #65: The Paladin in mid-kick...
Rendered Shot #66: Paladin in full plate with sword...
Rendered Shot #67: The Sorceress with her Amber staff...
Rendered Shot #68: The Sorceress in her basic gear...
Darkk (WebMaster)With the wonderful skill tree screenshots from the latest preview over at Daily Radar we have managed to get our Paladin skill listing complete with all the skill icons. Unfortunately, a few of the icons for the Paladin are dark because they are taken from the non-active skills from the tree screenshot. But they are all there.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
The ShadowSpiral FanFic contest is now closed. We would like to thank all those people who submitted entries, and we are glad that nearly all of the stories were excellent in and of themselves. We will be judging the stories to see who wins the prize, a copy of Diablo II, for the rest of this week and next week. We will let everyone know via e-mail how things go. Again, thanks for taking part in our fist contest.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
Looks like we skipped over two parts of the Daily Radar Paladin Preview, first off there were three Screenshots featuring the Paladin´s three skill tabs, and there was also a new sound file for the Paladin as well that you can hear in our Downloads section and here. Below are the three new screenshots:
Screenshot #206:
The Paladin´s Defensive Auras...-
Darkk (WebMaster)This time Daily Radar has unveiled the Paladin, and believe it or not this part of the preview has new information and the like. You can find the newest info in our Compendium, and below are the three new Screenshots and Rendered Shots:
Screenshot #203:
The Paladin uses the Thorns Aura...And the Rendered Shots:
Rendered Shot #57: The Paladin stands...
Rendered Shot #58: The Paladin in a battle stance...
Rendered Shot #59: The Paladin delivered a solid kick...
- Landarth (Newstracker)
With the wonderful skill tree screenshots from the latest preview over at Daily Radar we have managed to get our Amazon skill listing complete with all the skill icons. Unfortunately, a few of the icons for the Amazon are dark because they are taken from the non-active skills from the tree screenshot. But they are all there.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
The older news for October has been placed in our News Archive, so if you feel you´ve missed some vital news from October 1st to October 14th just head over that way to catch up.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
Those Diablo II action figures molds we showed you last time have now been colored and one of them features Diablo himself in his new look for Diablo II. You can find out more about them here or see them below:
Miscellaneous Pic #9:
The Greater Mummy action figure...- Landarth (Newstracker)
Those crazy people over at PVP have created yet another comic strip featuring Bill Roper. This one is a Halloween-oriented strip, and it´s guaranteed to scare any Diablo II fan. But don´t take our word for it, see for yourself here.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
In their recent preview, Daily Radar said they would be giving away 30 Beta copies of Diablo II. This led to some confusion on the forums, so Mike Huang generously cleared these up in this post:
The 30 spaces that we gave Daily Radar for their contest is in addition to the 1000 beta slots that we will give away on the Blizzard Website. Those 30 spaces will not subtract from the 1000 spaces that will be available from the Blizzard Website. There will be more people participating in the Diablo II beta test than just the 1000 beta testers that Blizzard randomly selects, such as members of the press, employees of Blizzard, winners of contests and promotionals, etc.
- Landarth (Newstracker)
Blizzard unveiled the newest SSOTW today, featuring the Sorceress using her Enchant skill to help her deal with some serious opposition. See it below:
Screenshot of the Week #33:
The Sorceress Enchants her sword...- Landarth (Newstracker)
Seems like in our rush to get the Daily Radar Diablo II preview out we failed to mention that there was an excellent sound clip with the Amazon talking in it. You can listen to that file here or on our Downloads section.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
A new site named Daily Radar has just released a Diablo II preview, and while it has no new information, it does bring us several new Screenshots and Rendered Shots for your enjoyment:
Screenshot #195:
The Barbarian vs. Act I creatures...And here are three new rendered shots:
Rendered Shot #54:
The Amazon with an axe...We would also like to thank everyone who sent in e-mail about this preview.
- Landarth (Newstracker)
There´s a new poll over at Gamespot asking "Which computer RPG are you looking forward to the most?" Presently, Diablo II is leading the vote with a gigantic 65% lead over FFVIII´s 19% and poor Ultima IX´s 14%. Vote away...
- Landarth (Newstracker)
The newest edition of PCGamer (the one with the excellent WarCraft III preview) has three things Diablo and Diablo II-related in it. First off, a mystery for everyone. Immediately following page 27 is one of those two-page spreads most people have seen before. But, at the lower left there are three screenshot insets, two of them are are SSOTW shots, but the middle is a never-before-seen shot. I´ll try to learn more about this soon.
Also, on page 58, Diablo II has yet again taken the top spot on the "Waiting is the Hardest Part" poll to see which game people most anticipate. It carried the day with 14% of the vote, with Team Fortress 2 following at 12%. Last off, Diablo took spot number 35 in the 100 Best Games Ever Editior´s Pick, but frankly I thought it deserved a higher rank. For the record, StarCraft took 4th place, a well-deserved rank for an excellent game.
Darkk (WebMaster)We have updated our 5 character sections with a ton of new skill icons and also with information on the various Clvl requirements for each skill and whether they are Passive or Active. You can easily access all of the character sections from Diablo II Info.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
The monthly Fansite Interview Bill Roper had with the folks at DiabloII.org is up and posted on their site in English for the present time. While they kept a good deal secret for the sake of the game, there were still a few great pieces of information to be had. Head over here to see the interview.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
I just wanted to inform everyone that our FanFic Contest has only 5 days left, and this time there won´t be another extension of the deadline. So if you have stories to submit, you´ll need to hurry. I would also like to extend many thanks to those who have already submitted stories, and I wish all of you the best of luck.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
Blizzard has released five new wallpapers for each of the five characters in several different resolutions and color depths. These wallpapers are all incredible looking, especially the 24-bit color ones. You can download them all from here.
- Landarth (Newstracker)
We have just created the newest of our virtual interfaces, this one called the Virtual Character Screen. You can access this new virtual interface from our Diablo II Info section as well. Please feel free to tell us what you think about the new feature via e-mail or on the Message Board.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
In an attempt to sort out a long-standing (and rather racist) debate on the Diablo II Suggestions Forum, Blizzard´s Max Schaefer had this to say:
Um, I shouldn't even address this, but the Paladin is black, and the Sorceress is decidedly ambiguous.
Blizzard North supports racial diversity and harmony, and vehemently opposes racism of any form.
Darkk (WebMaster)Blizzard´s Max Schaefer made a special appearance on the Diablo II Suggestions Forum to further explain Shards and how they will work with Diablo II. See this post:
Hello everyone, Since there seems to be a great deal of aprehension about the "shard" issue, I thought this might be a good time to address it. First of all, we don't call them "shards." OK, that's not true, we do actually call them that. But we're trying to think of something a bit more original. ("Realms?!") There seems to be quite a bit of misinformation about our "shard" system. Some of this is because we haven't talked about it, and some of it is because we haven't finalized every aspect of it. The fact is that we have to have shards, and shard-specific characters. People have to realize something about Diablo II. You really can't compare it to other games due to the amount of people who will be playing. We anticipate at least 50,000 users at any given time. That is far more than are playing any other game simultaneously except maybe for StarCraft, which isn't client-server. The technical requirements for handling that kind of number are staggering. The shard system is therefore necessary to distribute the load and make the task at least somewhat manageable. The Diablo II multiplayer architecture is doing things no other game has ever done. Nevertheless, you will find that shards are NOT the end of the world. Quite the contrary, you'll hardly notice them. Consider the following: 1) We intend to have at least 10,000 simultaneous users PER SHARD! Not 10,000 accounts, but 10,000 simultaneous players. The number of accounts per shard will probably approach 100,000. That's more people in your "shard" community than the total number that play virtually any other game. Other massive online games have "shards" a small fraction of this size. Rather than having many shards all over the place, we will have fewer than 10 total shards strategically placed throughout the world. 2) You will be able to create characters on any shard with available space. You are not limited to one character. 3) We are working on the technology necessary to be able to transfer characters from one shard to another. This is not as easy as you might think, and we don't want to keep people from playing while we solve this one technical issue. We hope to be able to add this functionality sometime following the game's release. We cannot guarantee this, but we are working on it. I realize this doesn't answer all the questions you have, but this is all the information I can give at this point. Thank you for your continued interest and input into this undertaking.
That clears things up pretty nicely. Since this post was made the flaring debate has quieted a good deal.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
Mike Huang reported today on Durability in Diablo II, here´s what he had to say in this post:
The durability icons have been finalized (it is no longer a green wireframe image) and will only appear when the durability of the item is low.
- Landarth (Newstracker)
This new article covers the IntelliMouse Explorer and how it works with Windows and with Diablo II. You can read it in our Articles section or directly by clicking here. Feel free to respond to this article via e-mail or on our Message Board.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
The newest Screenshot of the Week has just been released. It features the Amazon trying her hand at the Act II crypts, using her Critical Hit skill to lay into some Bone Mages. See it here:
Screenshot of the Week #32:
The Amazon scores a Critical Hit...-
Darkk (WebMaster)D2Inferno is running a vote where you can choose the character you think is more likely to be the best character for PK´ing. Right now the Barbarian is winning with 35 votes while the Necromancer has a close 30.
Forscythe (Asst. WebMaster)A recent PCXL issue featured a short bit on how Diablo II´s Battle.net client/server model shall be set up. And while it´s a little confusing, here is how it works:
Diablo II is client/server based through battle.net, Blizzard having learned its painful lessons after Diablo became a hack/cheat-fest. The interface has been tweaked but follows the style of Diablo and StarCraft with a server list, connection speeds, and available channels. The players in any given channel will be shown at the bottom of the screen in miniature form with their equipment.
The servers, or shards as they're called, will be user-created and you can use any of your characters from single-player or multiplayer on any open server. The open shards will also have an eight-player limit, and may or may not have a level restriction (up to +/- five levels) depending on the preference of the operator. Likewise, named shards will all be Blizzard-based -- this is where they hope to deter the cheating that plagued the original by providing a level playing field. Characters created on these shards will only be able to be played on these shards, a la Everquest. in typical Blizzard fashion, it's simple and straightforward.
The "shards" as they are put are the differing places for open and closed characters where open shards are for open characters and named shards are for closer characters and are Blizzard maintained. Mike Huang cleared it up somewhat in this e-mail:
"There are options to create SP or MP chars. (MP is further divided into open and closed, with closed only playable on bnet, and you have to connect to bnet to see a listing of them.) SP chars are listed on your list of "open" MP chars. SP and MP games are identical in quests, items for sale, difficulty, difficulty levels, monster hit points, etc. NOT like they were in D1 at all."
DiabloII.net (source)DiabloII.Org has posted their interview with Bill Roper, the only problem being that its in French for now. A translation will probably be up soon, so for the meanwhile if you can read French head over to here and read what was said.
- Landarth (Newstracker)
Those of you subscribed to the ShadowSpiral Diablo II Newsletter with AOL e-mail might have noticed that you´re not getting your newsletter when it is due to ship out. This is due to the fact that I cannot send e-mail to you, for some unknown reason. If you would please send me an alternate, non-AOL e-mail address to send the newsletter to I will be sure to send you the copies you have missed. I am looking into the situation, but replies from AOL have not be forthcoming.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
The ShadowSpiral Diablo II Newsletter for October 10th has been sent and all of our subscribers should be receiving it today. If you have any problems with the newsletter, please e-mail us and we will fix the problem as soon as we can.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
Another set of official posts coming from the Battle.net War Room. The first is here by GFrazier:
That's correct if you play a closed char on a battle.net server you can't take it off and play it over IPX. The reason is people could cheat their chars up on IPX then take it to battle.net. If you want to stop cheating you have to sacrafice some things :) You can't move your closed char between servers or play it on ipx. Open chars you can I believe.
The next post is another by GFrazier, concerning the impending design change for Blizzard´s main site:
If you have any suggestions as to what you would like to see on the Blizzard.com site, post them here or
Darkk (WebMaster)Our massive Diablo II Compendium has been updated with the newest information gleaned from the new Official FAQ as well as adding the system requirements for the Beta Test. The newest entries are marked with the date of October 7th and you´ll find the new requirements in the box with the official box picture.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
Blizzard has updated their official FAQ with a lot of new information, and it has now been split into six sections dealing with most people´s common questions. See the FAQ here.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
DiabloII.net was able to grab some internation news from a gamer named BSOD from Germany, and this new information comes from one of the new PCPlayer magazines:
"Convert skill: Different types of monster brains can be converted into different types of throwing potions; explosion, gas and acid. Also, all characters can currently convert all body parts. However this most likely will change by the final game. At that time each char will be able to convert only a few items each.
Hardcore-version (permanent death) is likely to be not implemented in the final game.
Experience prerequisites for equipping items are back. "...handling over powerful weapons and amors to weaker chars will be limited, as there will be *clvl-restrictions* for many weapons and amors implemented."
Still, the information is not official any means, and some it of seems especially curious in nature. For instance, we find it hard to believe that Hardcore won´t be in the game. It was excellently received by the general population, and makes the game tremendously better with such a small addition.
In other international news, Shinee of Svenska Diablo II spoke with a Scandanavian agent of Blizzard, who confirmed that there would be a simultaneous, nationwide release of the English version of Diablo II, with the various translated versions to follow.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
The latest version of Topaz Chat just came out, and it can be downloaded from our Downloads section. For those of you who don´t know, Topaz Chat is a program that allows you on Battle.net as a simple chat-client, meaning you can see and speak with people on Battle.net but not play.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
A busy day on the forums, it seems, with several posts all over the place. First off, a post from the Battle.net War Room from GFrazier. This post concerns why Blizzard will no longer be creating general purpose forums. You can read that post here and below:
That isn't going to happen, the forums are here to allow people to post about Blizzard games and topics so we can get feedback and answer questions and help people with problems/questions relating to Blizzard game. If you want to talk about general subjects such as communism, Does God exist? and other heated topics there are other places you can go to do so. The reason those general forums were removed was to move forums that had generally nothing to do with Blizzard Games. They were combined into one place so as to moderate them more carefully.
GFrazier also replied to a post about a Diablo II release in Canada. Here´s what he said in this post:
The game hasn't gone Gold yet so it's pretty crazy to listen to predictions about where it will reach areas from non Blizzard Sources until it goes Gold. There is no official date for Diablo II, the game will be worked on and will not go out until it's ready no matter what the date is. That's how Blizzard operates. Some choose to view it as "missed release dates" while others such as us view it as making AAA titles.
Back on the Diablo II Suggestions Forum, Mike Huang responded to a multi-topic post here:
"Please Blizzard explain guilds- there have been many posts today asking about them?
A guild is an organized group of characters/people united for some common goal. Our work on the guilds is still in an ever changing state, so I can't release very many accurate details about it at this point. One thing is certain, however, it will require money to maintain the upkeep of the guild.
Please explain # of levels?
It is difficult to explain the number of levels in the game, because unlike Diablo I, the levels are not nearly as clearly defined. Diablo II will have 3 Acts and a Finale, and each Act has a multitude of different areas to explore and fight within. To give an idea of the scope of the game, the game areas of Act I is probably approximately the same size or larger than the entire world of Diablo I.
Please explain # of level ups for chars?
Characters recieve a level up when they earn a certain number of experience points. We use an exponential formula for the amount of points it takes to gain a level, so the higher level you get the longer it will take to gain the next level.
And explain how long until D2 is going to come out?
We're estimating a Christmas 1999 release, but that date is not set in stone by any means."
Last but certainly not least, Max Schaefer himself appeared on the forum and responded to a question about the Client/Server model in Diablo II. Here´s his post:
Here's the deal: Diablo II is a client-server game. The game runs on our servers, the graphics engine runs on your computer. Thus, the character is NOT downloaded to your machine, but stays on our servers. You never have access to it. Thus, no character hacks.
Darkk (WebMaster)Today Blizzard released the latest SSOTW, showing a Paladin battling a camouflaged Frog Demon with an unknown aura skill at the ready. See it below:
Screenshot of the Week #31:
The Paladin in Act III...-
Darkk (WebMaster)Gamespot´s weekly TenSpot is up, and this time it features those demons from Diablo known as Baelrogs. You can see how the Baelrog was rated here.
DiabloII.net (source)We have decided to extend our FanFic Contest a while longer, to October 20th to be exact. The reason for this is that we have recieved several e-mails from people asking for a longer time to write their stories in, and we have also recieved a low number of entries. We hope than an extension will let more people try their hands at story writing to see if they can win the grand prize, a copy of Diablo II upon its release.
In the interest of fairness, we will let everyone who has already sent in a story send in another to replace that one, in effect giving them the time to refine their story or create another they think is better. For more information on the contest and its rules, visit our Contests section.
Darkk (WebMaster)A gaming site called Meccaworld has a new preview up for Diablo II. Although it has no new information or screenshots, it´s still a good primer for those not caught up on the game. You can read this preview here.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
On TSR´s Website we found mention of two new D&D products that will be released, both of them from the Diablo and Diablo II universe. The first, called "D&D Diablo II" is a basic set that governs the translation of Diablo the computer game to an RPG format. The other is called "Diablo II: The Monastery of the Sightless Eye" and will be based on the AD&D format. You can read more about these exciting new projects here. Thanks to Saraquael for the tip.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
Today Tony Gervase announced that Blizzard would be creating another monthly drawing, this one for Diablo II-related sites. The winner of the drawing wins 2 Diablo II T-Shirts. This month, Legion from the Sightless Eye has won the T-Shirts.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
Today´s rather humorous PVP strip features Diablo II in tandem with a bunch of apes taking over sites and adding them to their growing empire. Don´t miss out on the insanity, just head over here to read this first strip in a series of relating strips.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
The Fansite Interview for October has been awarded to DiabloII.org, a French Diablo II site. They are taking submissions for questions, so if you would like to have some answered send them to this e-mail address. Congradulations, DiabloII.org, we hope you have a great interview.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
A recent publication from Bradygames (the same company that now does official Blizzard guidebooks for their games) has released a book entitled "Game Design: Secrets of the Sages." The book goes into detail on the process of designing great games, with anecdotes and instructions from some of the best, including Matt Householder of Blizzard.
Diablo II Darkness (source)WarCraft II: Battle.net Edition has gone gold, meaning it should be out in stores very soon. You can see more about the release from Blizzard´s Official Press Release on it. You can also learn more from the official WarCraft II: BNE page.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
At the Battle.net War Room someone enquired about the Diablo II Beta Test, which prompted GFrazier to reply in this post:
Diablo II, possibly end of October for a Beta/Signup. The focus is finishing up the game. We'll see.
Darkk (WebMaster)Last month, the movie "The Corruptor" featured a small promotion for Diablo II as part of its previews. Blizzard also made an offer: "Mention "The Corruptor" and save $10 on select Blizzard Games. Call 1-800-953-SNOW. Offer Expires 12/31/99." Tony Gervase added in a recent e-mail that the select games Blizzard offers this saving on doesn´t include Diablo II.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
Ever since the introduction of WarCraft III the main page at Blizzard has been rather static, with no change to the picture they show. Before the last ECTS they had a rotating cinematic shot that changed with the SSOTW. When the Sightless Eye sent a question about it to Susan Wooley, here´s what they recieved as an answer:
"We will now be alternating between WCIII and Diablo II. We may splash in some WCII Battle.net Edition since it's getting ready to ship."
This means the cinematic shots will be returning, which is great.
- Darkk (WebMaster)
The news for September has been placed in our News Archive, so if you feel you´ve missed some of the news for last month you can go there to catch up. Today we begin keeping track of this month of October, which promises to deliver the Beta Test and a flood of new information and screenshots. We plan to be there to report it all.
Darkk (WebMaster)
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